Updating Using Installer

The software package of Foresight Analytics Platform contains the FP10Full.exe or FP10Standard.exe installation file. It is used when installing the desktop application of Foresight Analytics Platform. Using the installation file you can update the desktop application and help systems within one release. Each user must manually start update process on the local computer.

To update the desktop application and help systems:

  1. Place the documentation MSI installers (FP10Help_RU.msi, FP10Help_EN.msi) at the same level as the desktop application distribution file.

NOTE. The update is only available for previously installed help systems.

  1. If required, specify additional settings, which are determined during the update.

  2. Start an installer of a later build of Foresight Analytics Platform depending on the distribution file used when installing the desktop application: FP10Full.exe or FP10Standard.exe.

The update procedure is similar to installing of the desktop application. After executing the operations, the new version of Foresight Analytics Platform is installed, and help systems are updated. The last page of the installer will display a message about successful installation.

To update BI server and web application back end, start the FP10BIServer.exe and FP10WebServer.exe installers. The update procedure is similar to installing of BI server and the web application back end. After executing the operations the web application is updated. The last page of the installer will display a message about successful installation of Foresight Analytics Platform.

Update Features

Starting an installer may cause the following update features:

If you select Yes, the product update will start. If you select No, the product update will stop.

See also:

Updating Foresight Analytics Platform