Structure of Cfgconfig.xml

The Cfgconfig.xml file is used to execute a set of commands before and after starting an automatic update using Cfg.exe, which is contained in the AutoUpdate folder next to the product installation folder.

To create Cfgconfig.xml, open a standard text editor.

The set of commands is specified in the sections:

Section Brief description
<Start> It determines timeout for completing update.
<Before> It executes a set of commands before automatic update.
<After> It executes a set of commands after automatic update.
<Cfg> It supports custom shortcuts configured on Cfg.exe.
<File> It determines actions to be executed with file.
<Var> It creates system environment variables and user environment variables.
<Log> It installs the MSI file and get the log file.

It determines actions with previously installed releases and checks integrity of files.

NOTE. The file structure must start with the <Start> section. The rest of the sections must be located inside. Any section, except for <Start>, may be a subsection of the <Before> or <After> sections.









Available Operations on Update

To execute the set of commands, place the file to the update source. Available operations:

NOTE. All the system environment variables are added to the custom environment variables.

See also:

Update Features