Copying MSI Version of Distribution File to Database Server

To automatically update data from database server, copy update MSI package to the server.

If several different packages are copied to the server, to divide them, create a label that enables the user to explicitly identify update package.

Copying of MSI version of distribution file to database server enables the user to update Foresight Analytics Platform version directly from database server.

NOTE. The operation is only available for the Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle DBMS.

To execute copying, follow the steps:

  1. Start the repository manager.

  1. Select the Platform Update option and click the Continue button.

  2. Specify parameters of update folder:

If the specified folder does not contain mandatory files, on an attempt to go to the next page a message with a list of mandatory files is displayed.

Click the Next button to go to the next page.

  1. Specify DBMS connection parameters:

NOTE. Update from server database is available only for Oracle and MSSQL DBMS.

IMPORTANT. To copy the MSI distribution file version, create a PPUPDATE user. The schema of this user will store Foresight Analytics Platform distribution file, and it will be taken from this schema on update.

Click the Check Connection button to check if the specified data is correct. An appropriate message is displayed if connection is successful or failed.

  1. Click the Next button to start copying, at the same time, the progress is shown.

An appropriate message is displayed after the process has been completed, informing whether it has been completed successfully or any errors occurred.

Thus, having copied several versions of Foresight Analytics Platform to server and having assigned corresponding labels for them, it is possible to autoupdate Foresight Analytics Platform version on the client workstation by the set label on starting Foresight Analytics Platform.


Click the Settings button in the login dialog box. The Parameters dialog box opens where go to the Update tab:

In the Source group, select the DB Server checkbox, and fill in the required box. In the Update Label list select the label name that identifies the required copy of Foresight Analytics Platform at database server.

See also:

Working with Repository Manager | Creating the PPUPDATE User