Report Assembly Interfaces

The Report assembly includes the following interfaces:

  Interface Brief description
ICalculateReportScheduledTask The ICalculateReportScheduledTask interface is used to determine parameters of a regular report task calculation in a task container.
IGetDataAreaHintArgs The IGetDataAreaHintArgs interface is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs on changing metadata of formula cell contents.
IPrxAlgorithmConstantParamControl The IPrxAlgorithmConstantParamControl interface contains properties that are used to control algorithm parameter using a constant value.
IPrxAlgorithmParam The IPrxAlgorithmParam interface is used to set up parameter control of the calculation algorithm started on custom button click.
IPrxAlgorithmParamControl The IPrxAlgorithmParamControl interface contains basic properties that are used to set up sending value to calculation algorithm parameter.
IPrxAlgorithmParams The IPrxAlgorithmParams interface is used to work with the collection of settings for controlling parameters of the calculation algorithm started on custom button click.


The IPrxAlgorithmReportParamControl interface contains properties that are used to set up algorithm parameter control using the current object parameter.

IPrxAssemblies The IPrxAssemblies interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of development environment objects connected to the regular report.
IPrxBulkSelection The IPrxBulkSelection interface contains properties required to determine parameters of allowed dimension selection.
IPrxBulkSelectionSet The IPrxBulkSelectionSet interface contains properties and methods required to work with the collection of dimension selections that can be used when executing batch operations.
IPrxBulkSettings The IPrxBulkSettings interface contains properties required to adjust settings of batch operations executed for the regular report.
IPrxCellStyle The IPrxCellStyle interface contains properties and methods of styling cells of regular report tables.
IPrxChart The IPrxChart interface contains properties and methods of the Chart regular report object.
IPrxChartDataAdapter The IPrxChartDataAdapter interface contains properties of a data source for a regular report graph.
IPrxChartLegend The IPrxChartLegend interface is used to set parameters of external legend for the charts.
IPrxControl The IPrxControl interface contains properties of a control of a regular report.
IPrxControlAppearance The IPrxControlAppearance interface is used to determine the scope of a control.
IPrxControls The IPrxControls interface contains properties and methods of the collection of controls of a regular report sheet.
IPrxDataAdapter The IPrxDataAdapter interface enables the user to work with a data source.
IPrxDataAdapterManager The IPrxDataAdapterManager interface sets a type of adapter for displaying source data on a map.
IPrxDataCache The IPrxDataCache interface is used to set up data caching parameters.
IPrxDataChange The IPrxDataChange interface is used to work with changed data of the data area.
IPrxDataElementStyle The IPrxDataElementStyle interface contains properties of styles applied to the dimension and levels of the dimension based on which the data area is built.
IPrxDataElementStyleCommon The IPrxDataElementStyleCommon interface determines style of the data area. It is the basic interface for the IPrxDataElementStyle interface.
IPrxDataIsland The IPrxDataIsland interface is used to work with data area of a regular report.
IPrxDataIslandCorner The IPrxDataIslandCorner interface contains properties of parameters of a corner cell of a data area table.
IPrxDataIslandDimension The IPrxDataIslandDimension interface contains properties of a dimension of the data slice on which the data area is based.
IPrxDataIslandDimensionCommon The IPrxDataIslandDimensionCommon interface allows for working with the dimension, based on which a data area is built.
IPrxDataIslandDimensionLayout The IPrxDataIslandDimensionLayout interface determines parameters of an arbitrary title for a dimension.
IPrxDataIslandDimensionLayoutFormulaParser The IPrxDataIslandDimensionLayoutFormulaParser interface contains properties and methods that are used to recognize formulas from the text row.
IPrxDataIslandDimensionLayoutNode The IPrxDataIslandDimensionLayoutNode interface determines parameters of an element of an arbitrary title.
IPrxDataIslandDimensionLayoutNodes The IPrxDataIslandDimensionLayoutNodes interface determines parameters and structure of an arbitrary header.
IPrxDataIslandDimensionSort The IPrxDataIslandDimensionSort interface contains properties that are used to set parameters of sorting rows, columns and dimensions of the data area.
IPrxDataIslandHeader The IPrxDataIslandHeader interface contains properties of headings of rows and columns of the data area of a regular report.
IPrxDataIslandHeaderCommon The IPrxDataIslandHeaderCommon interface enables user to set parameters of data area headings. This interface is used as basic for several interfaces.
IPrxDataIslandHeaderFilter The IPrxDataIslandHeaderFilter interface contains properties of filters for data area rows and columns.
IPrxDataIslandLevel The IPrxDataIslandLevel interface contains properties of dimension levels.
IPrxDataIslandNaming The IPrxDataIslandNaming interface contains properties of names of the dimension elements and dimension levels.
IPrxDataIslandNumbering The IPrxDataIslandNumbering interface contains properties of numbering of dimension elements.
IPrxDataIslandNumberingLevel The IPrxDataIslandNumberingLevel interface contains properties of numbering for rows and columns of dimension levels.
IPrxDataIslandProperties The IPrxDataIslandProperties interface contains properties of parameters of the data area style.
IPrxDataIslands The IPrxDataIslands interface contains properties and methods of a data area collection.
IPrxDataIslandTotals The IPrxDataIslandTotals interface enables the user to set up parameters of totals for the data area.
IPrxDataSource The IPrxDataSource interface is used to work with regular report data source.
IPrxDataSources The IPrxDataSources interface contains properties and methods of a data source collection.
IPrxDimensionDrill The IPrxDimensionDrill interface determines parameters of the detailing that implements setting of hyperlinks for elements of a dimension or a level in the data area.
IPrxDrillCellResult The IPrxDrillCellResult interface contains properties of binding a cell to the slice data.
IPrxFlowDocument The IPrxFlowDocument interface contains methods of the following regular report object: Formatted text.
IPrxFormatConditions The IPrxFormatConditions interface determines conditional formatting parameters.
IPrxFormulaIsland The IPrxFormulaIsland interface contains properties and methods of formula area of a regular report.
IPrxFormulaIslands The IPrxFormulaIslands interface contains properties and methods of the collection of formula areas of a regular report.
IPrxJsPlugin The IPrxJsPlugin interface is used to work with a regular report sheet that is created using a JS plugin development environment component.
IPrxMap The IPrxMap interface contains properties of the Map object of a regular report.
IPrxMapDataAdapter The IPrxMapDataAdapter interface contains properties of a data source for a regular report map.
IPrxMapLegend The IPrxMapLegend interface contains properties of the Map Legend object of a regular report.
IPrxMapScale The IPrxMapScale interface contains regular report scale properties.
IPrxMapScales The IPrxMapScales interface contains properties and methods of the collection of regular report scales.
IPrxMapTerritoryInfo The IPrxMapTerritoryInfo interface contains properties of the Territory Info regular report object.
IPrxOldObject The IPrxOldObject interface describes outdated objects of regular report.
IPrxOpenObjectConstantParamControl The IPrxOpenObjectConstantParamControl interface contains properties that are used to set up control of the parameter of opened object using a constant value.
IPrxOpenObjectDimAttributeParamControl The IPrxOpenObjectDimAttributeParamControl interface contains properties that are used to set up control of opened object parameter using dimension attribute value.
IPrxOpenObjectParam The IPrxOpenObjectParam interface is used to set up control of parameter of the object opened on custom button click.
IPrxOpenObjectParamControl The IPrxOpenObjectParamControl interface contains basic properties that are used to set up sending value to opened object parameter.
IPrxOpenObjectParams The IPrxOpenObjectParams interface is used to work with the collection of settings for controlling parameters of the object opened by custom button click.
IPrxOpenObjectReportParamControl The IPrxOpenObjectReportParamControl interface contains properties that are used to set up control of parameter of opened object using the current object parameter.
IPrxPageSettings The IPrxPageSettings interface contains properties and methods of print options of pages of a regular report sheet.
IPrxPartialPersist The IPrxPartialPersist interface is used to load a portion of report to a stream and release the used memory.
IPrxPicture The IPrxPicture interface contains properties of the Image object of a regular report.
IPrxRange The IPrxRange interface contains properties of the absolute address.
IPrxReport The IPrxReport interface contains properties and methods of the Regular Report repository object.
IPrxReportClass The IPrxReportClass interface contains properties required to access an active regular report.
IPrxReportControls The IPrxReportControls interface contains properties and methods of collection of regular report controls.
IPrxReportExporter The IPrxReportExporter interface determines regular report export parameters.
IPrxReportOptions The IPrxReportOptions interface is used to work with parameters of regular report setting.
IPrxReportRecalcContext The IPrxReportRecalcContext interface contains properties and methods required to determine regular report calculation parameters.
IPrxReportTitle The IPrxReportTitle interface contains properties of regular report title.
IPrxReportUserEvents The IPrxReportUserEvents interface contains methods implementing regular report events.
IPrxScene3D The IPrxScene3D interface determines parameters of the 3D scene placed on a regular report sheet.
IPrxScene3DConvexHullSerie The IPrxScene3DConvexHullSerie interface determines parameters of the closed surface of the 3D scene.
IPrxScene3DNamedPointSerie The IPrxScene3DNamedPointSerie determines parameters of a group of named spheres (points) of the 3D scene.
IPrxScene3DPointSerie The IPrxScene3DPointSerie interface determines parameters of a series of spheres (points) of the 3D scene.
IPrxScene3DSerie The IPrxScene3DSerie interface determines parameters of the 3D scene series and serves as basic for a number of interfaces.
IPrxScene3DSeries The IPrxScene3DSeriesinterface determines parameters of the universal collection of series of the 3D scene in a regular report.
IPrxScene3DSurfaceSerie The IPrxScene3DSurfaceSerie interface determines parameters of surface of 3D scene.
IPrxShape The IPrxShape interface contains properties and methods of the Shape regular report object.
IPrxSheet The IPrxSheet interface contains properties and methods of a regular report sheet.
IPrxSheetHeader The IPrxSheetHeader interface contains properties of regular report headers and footers.
IPrxSheetHeaderBase The IPrxSheetHeaderBase interface determines parameters of parts of headers and footers, sheet titles and regular report titles. It is a basic interface for the IPrxReportTitle and IPrxSheetHeader interfaces.
IPrxSheetHeaderPart The IPrxSheetHeaderPart interface contains properties of parts of headers and footers, sheet titles and regular report titles.
IPrxSheetHeaders The IPrxSheetHeaders interface is used to work with the collection of regular report page headers and footers.
IPrxSheets The IPrxSheets interface contains properties and methods of a collection of regular report sheets.
IPrxSlice The IPrxSlice interface contains properties and methods of a slice of a data source of a regular report.
IPrxSliceDataCache The IPrxSliceDataCache interface contains properties and methods to set up parameters for caching slice data.
IPrxSliceDimension The IPrxSliceDimension interface contains properties and methods of a dimension of a slice of a regular report data source.
IPrxSliceDimensionInstance The IPrxSliceDimensionInstance interface is used to work with dimension of regular report data source slice dimension.
IPrxSliceDimensions The IPrxSliceDimensions interface contains properties and methods of a collection of dimensions of a slice of a regular report data source.
IPrxSliceHeader The IPrxSliceHeader interface contains properties and methods of the collection of dimensions of a slice of a regular report data source that is located in a particular title.
IPrxSlices The IPrxSlices interface contains properties and methods of the collection of slices of a data source of a regular report.
IPrxSystemButtonElement The IPrxSystemButtonElement interface contains properties of the custom button displayed on the toolbar.
IPrxTable The IPrxTable interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a table of a regular report sheet.
IPrxTableDataBinding The IPrxTableDataBinding interface determines binding of the cells of a report sheet.
IPrxTableIsland The IPrxTableIsland interface determines parameters of the relational data area.
IPrxTableIslandSort The IPrxTableIslandSort interface is used to work with collection of relational data area sorting conditions.
IPrxTableIslandSortItem The IPrxTableIslandSortItem interface is used to work with parameters of relational data area sorting condition.
IPrxTableIslandField The IPrxTableIslandField interface determines binding of a cell to a field of the relational data source.
IPrxTableIslandFormat The IPrxTableIslandFormat interface determines parameters of style of the relational data area.
IPrxTableIslandGrouping The IPrxTableIslandGrouping interface determines parameters of group of a relational data area.
IPrxTableIslandGroupingMethod The IPrxTableIslandGroupingMethod interface determines parameters of data grouping method.
IPrxTableIslandGroupings The IPrxTableIslandGroupings interface contains properties and methods used to work with collection of groups of the relational data area.
IPrxTableIslandGroupingTotals The IPrxTableIslandGroupingTotals interface determines parameters of totals of the relational data area.
IPrxTableIslandLayout The IPrxTableIslandLayout interface determines structure of layout of the relational data area.
IPrxTableIslandLayoutCell The IPrxTableIslandLayoutCellnterface determines parameters of a cell of a layout row.
IPrxTableIslandLayoutRow The IPrxTableIslandLayoutRow interface determines parameters of a layout row.
IPrxTableIslandPager The IPrxTableIslandPager interface contains parameters of working with the page-by-page mode of displaying relational area
IPrxTableIslands The IPrxTableIslands interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of relational data areas.
IPrxTableIslandTotalValues The IPrxTableIslandTotalValues interface is used to work with the set of values of specified layout in relational data area.
IPrxTableSource The IPrxTableSource interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a relational data source.
IPrxTableSources The IPrxTableSources interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of relational data sources of a regular report.
IPrxToolbar The IPrxToolbar interface is used to work with regular report toolbar.
IPrxToolbarElement The IPrxToolbarElement interface contains basic properties of elements displayed on the toolbar.
IPrxToolbarElements The IPrxToolbarElements interface is used to work with the collection of toolbar elements.
IPrxUserButton The IPrxUserButton interface is used to set up a custom button in a regular report.
IPrxUserButtonAction The IPrxUserButtonAction interface contains basic methods of custom button handler work.
IPrxUserButtonActionAlgorithm The IPrxUserButtonActionAlgorithm interface is used to set up calculation algorithm startup as a custom button handler.
IPrxUserButtonActionForeMethod The IPrxUserButtonActionForeMethod interface is used to set up Fore method as a custom button handler.
IPrxUserButtonActionMethod The IPrxUserButtonActionMethod interface is used to set up Fore method and JavaScript function as a custom button handler.
IPrxUserButtonActionOpenObject The IPrxUserButtonActionOpenObject interface is used to set up opening a repository object as a custom button handler.
IPrxUserButtonElement The IPrxUserButtonElement interface contains properties of the toolbar element corresponding to a custom button.
IPrxUserButtons The IPrxUserButtons interface is used to work with the collection of regular report custom buttons.
IPrxUserGroupElement The IPrxUserGroupElement interface contains properties of the toolbar element corresponding to a custom group of buttons.
IPrxVisualizer The IPrxVisualizer interface is used to work with a visualizer in a regular report.
IPrxVisualizerLegend The IPrxVisualizerLegend interface is used to work with visualizer legend as a separate regular report control.
IReportAfterEditEventArgs The IReportAfterEditEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs after editing data of a cell: ReportBox.OnAfterEdit.
IReportAutoFilterEventArgs The IReportAutoFilterEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs when an autofilter is set for a regular report sheet: ReportBox.OnAutoFilter.
IReportBeforeCellChangeEventArgs The IReportBeforeCellChangeEventArgs interface contains properties of an argument of the event that occurs right before the cell value is changed: ReportBox.OnBeforeCellChange.
IReportBeforeEditEventArgs The IReportBeforeEditEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs before editing data of a cell: ReportBox.OnBeforeEdit.
IReportBeforeExpanderChangedEventArgs The IReportBeforeExpanderChangedEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs before changing state of expander displayed in the table cell.
IReportBeforeObjectAngleChangeEventArgs The IReportBeforeObjectAngleChangeEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the event that occurs before object rotation.
IReportBeforeObjectRectChangeEventArgs The IReportBeforeObjectRectChangeEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the event that occurs before moving or resizing an object.
IReportBox The IReportBox interface contains properties and methods of theReportBox development environment component.
IReportCellChangeEventArgs The IReportCellChangeEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs after the cell value has been changed: ReportBox.OnCellChange.
IReportCellContentChangeEventArgs The IReportCellContentChangeEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the ReportBox.OnChangeCellContent event (modifying content of a table cell).
IReportCellEventArgs The IReportCellEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the events generated for a table cell: ReportBox.OnCellClick, ReportBox.OnCellPictureClick.
IReportColumnEventArgs The IReportColumnEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the events related to a table column.
IReportColumnResizeEventArgs The IReportColumnResizeEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs after resizing table column.
IReportColumnResizingEventArgs The IReportColumnResizingEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs at each visible change of table column's size.
IReportControlPanel The IReportControlPanel interface contains properties and methods of the ReportControlPanel development environment component.
IReportEditorEventArgs The IReportEditorEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs on editing cell text.
IReportEventArgs The IReportEventArgs interface contains basic properties of arguments of events of the ReportBox component.
IReportExpanderChangedEventArgs The IReportExpanderChangedEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs on changing state of expander displayed in the table cell.
IReportFormulaBar The IReportFormulaBar interface is used to work with the ReportFormulaBar development environment component.
IReportHyperlinkClickEventArgs The IReportHyperlinkClickEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of the events generated for hyperlink in a table cell.
IReportInteractiveSelectionChangeEventArgs The IReportInteractiveSelectionChangeEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs at the moment of moving the selected cell area.
IReportInteractiveSelectionEventArgs The IReportInteractiveSelectionEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the events that occur on moving the selected cell area.
IReportObjectChangeEventArgs The IReportObjectChangeEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of events that occur on changing an object in the ReportBox component.
IReportObjectEventArgs The IReportObjectEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs when a user activates or deactivates an object positioned on a sheet of a regular report (ReportBox.OnObjectActivate).
IReportObjectMovingEventArgs The IReportObjectMovingEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event that occurs on object moving.
IReportObjectResizingEventArgs The IReportObjectResizingEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event that occurs on object resizing.
IReportProtectionFailEventArgs The IReportProtectionFailEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event that occurs on triggering protection of a report displayed in the ReportBox component.
IReportRangeDeleteEventArgs The IReportRangeDeleteEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of events that occur on removing ranges/rows/columns.
IReportRangeInsertEventArgs The IReportRangeInsertEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of the events that occur on adding ranges/rows/columns.
IReportRowEventArgs The IReportRowEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the events related to a table row.
IReportRowResizeEventArgs The IReportRowResizeEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs after resizing table row size.
IReportRowResizingEventArgs The IReportRowResizingEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs at each visible table row resize.
IReportScaleChangeEventArgs The IReportScaleChangeEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs when the scale of a regular report's sheet is changed.
IReportUserInteractiveSelectionChangeEventArgs The IReportUserInteractiveSelectionChangeEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the events that occur on changing an interactive cell range in the ReportBox component.
IReportUserInteractiveSelectionEventArgs The IReportUserInteractiveSelectionEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the events that occur before and after changing an interactive cell range in the ReportBox component.
IUiPrxActivateSheetEventArgs The IUiPrxActivateSheetEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs after you change the sheet of a regular report (EventOnAfterActivateSheet).
IUiPrxCancelActivateSheetEventArgs The IUiPrxCancelActivateSheetEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs before you change the sheet of a regular report (EventOnBeforeActivateSheet).
IUiPrxCellChangeEventArgs The IUiPrxCellChangeEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the cell events occurred after changing value in the cell.
IUiPrxControlCancelEventArgs The IUiPrxControlCancelEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs before control deletion or control value modification.
IUiPrxControlEventArgs The IUiPrxControlEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs when control value is changed (EventOnChangeControlValue).
IUiPrxDataIslandCancelEventArgs The IUiPrxDataIslandCancelEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the events of the data area that occur before a particular action is performed:
IUiPrxDataIslandEventArgs The IUiPrxDataIslandEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the events of the data area that occur after a particular action is performed:
IUiPrxEaxGridCancelEventArgs The IUiPrxEaxGridCancelEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the IPrxReportUserEvents.EventOnBeforeRefreshEaxGrid event.
IUiPrxEaxGridEventArgs The IUiPrxEaxGridEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of analytical data area events that occur after executing particular action:
IUiPrxExportCancelEventArgs The IUiPrxExportCancelEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the EventOnBeforeExportReport event.
IUiPrxExportEventArgs The IUiPrxExportEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs after you export a report (EventOnAfterExportReport).
IUiPrxFormulaIslandCancelEventArgs The IUiPrxFormulaIslandCancelEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of report formula area events before a particular action (for example, formula area calculation) is executed.
IUiPrxFormulaIslandEventArgs The IUiPrxFormulaIslandEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of formula area events in regular report:
IUiPrxReportAuditOperationEventArgs The IUiPrxReportAuditOperationEventArgs interface is used to make and additional comment in access protocol when auditing operation.
IUiPrxReportBaseSubstitutionEventArgs The IUiPrxReportBaseSubstitutionEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event occurring on regular report substitution.
IUiPrxReportCancelEventArgs The IUiPrxReportCancelEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the following events:
IUiPrxReportEventArgs The IUiPrxReportEventArgs interface contains properties of arguments of the following events:
IUiPrxReportExportSubstitutionEventArgs The IUiPrxReportExportSubstitutionEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event occurring on substitution of regular report on exporting it to file.
IUiPrxSheetCancelEventArgs The IUiPrxSheetCancelEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the events of a report sheet that occur before a particular action is performed:
IUiPrxSheetEventArgs The IUiPrxSheetEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the following events of a report sheet:
IUiPrxTableIslandCancelEventArgs The IUiPrxTableIslandCancelEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs before relational data area is calculated:
IUiPrxTableIslandEventArgs The IUiPrxTableIslandEventArgs interface contains properties of the EventOnAfterExecuteTableIsland event.
IUiReport The IUiReport interface contains properties and methods of the UiReport component.
IUiReportBaseEventArgs The IUiReportBaseEventArgs interface contains basic properties of event arguments of the UiReport.

See also:

Report Assembly Enumerations | Report Assembly Classes | Examples