
Assembly: Report;


The IPrxTableIslandLayout interface determines structure of layout of the relational data area.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To determine relational data area parameters, use properties and methods of the IPrxTableIsland interface.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of rows in a layout.
Island The Island property returns the relational data area to which the layout row belongs.
Filter The Filter property returns filtering condition for relational data area rows.
FilterEnabled The FilterEnabled property determines whether relational data area rows are filtered.
Format The Format property determines relational area formatting parameters.
Rows The Rows property determines parameters of a layout row.
Sort The Sort property returns filtering condition for relational data area.
Style The Style property determines layout formatting style.
TableStyle The TableStyle property determines style of relational data area table.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds a row to the layout.
Clear The Clear method deletes layout structure.
Remove The Remove method deletes a layout row.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces