

The IPrxSheets interface contains properties and methods of a collection of regular report sheets.


  Property name Brief description
Report The Report property returns the owner that is a regular report.
Item The Item property returns a regular report sheet.
Count The Count property returns the number of sheets in the regular report.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds a sheet into the regular report.
Insert The Insert method inserts a new sheet into the specified position.
InsertAfter The InsertAfter method inserts a new sheet right after the current sheet.
Remove The Remove method removes a sheet.
Clear The Clear method deletes all sheets of the regular report.
FindByName The FindByName method searches for a sheet by the specified name.
Move The Move method moves a sheet from one position to another.
FindByKey The FindByKey method searches for a sheet by the specified key.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces