

The IUiPrxReportAuditOperationEventArgs interface is used to make and additional comment in access protocol when auditing operation.


This interface determines parameters of the EventOnAuditOperation event. You can cancel logging (Args.Cancel := True) only for a repeated operation. Only Export to Web can be executed as a repeated operation (Args.Operation = PrxReportAuditOperation.Export And Args.FromWeb).


  Property name Brief description
Comment The Comment property determines a comment to be added to the system comment when auditing an operation.
FromWeb The FromWeb property determines whether an operation is executed from a web application.
Operation The Operation property determines type of a logged operation.
Repeated The Repeated property determines whether an operation is repeated.

Properties inherited from IUiPrxReportCancelEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Cancel The Cancel property determines whether a particular action is to be executed on a regular report (calculation, export, and so on).

Properties inherited from IUiPrxReportEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Report The Report property returns a regular report.

Properties inherited from IUiReportBaseEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
UiRep The UiRep property returns an object containing the UiReport component that has generated the event.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces