

The IPrxTableIslandGrouping interface determines parameters of a relational data area group. The group determines the method of grouping relational source data.


  Property name Brief description
Caption The Caption property determines a group title.
Field The Field property determines binding to a field of the relational data source.
Format The Format property determines formatting parameters for a relational data area group.
Hierarchical The Hierarchical property determines the state of the Pop-up Hierarchy option for group.
Indent The Indent property determines left indent of the group title.
IsHierarchical The IsHierarchical property returns True, if the Pop-up Hierarchy option is enabled.
Island The Island property returns the relational data area, to which the group belongs.
Style The Style property determines formatting parameters for a group.
Totals The Totals property determines totals parameters for a group.
Visible The Visible property determines whether it is possible to place headers of grouped data in a separate column.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces