
Assembly: Report;


The IPrxUserButton interface is used to set up a custom button in a regular report.

Inheritance Hierarchy




Custom button settings can be obtained using properties and methods of the IPrxUserButtons interface.


  Property name Brief description
Action The Action property returns the button action handler that will be triggered on button click.
AfterAction The AfterAction property returns the button action handler that will be triggered on button click.
BeforeAction The BeforeAction property returns the button action handler that will be triggered before button click.
Enable The Enable property returns whether a button is available.
ForeModule The ForeModule property determines a Fore unit, which methods will be used to handle button actions.
Icon The Icon property determines the thread that contains an image displayed as a custom button.
IconType The IconType property determines a type of stored image.

The SmallIcon property determines whether a small image is used for a custom button.


The Type property determines a custom button handler type.


The UpdateEnable property returns the button action handler that will be triggered on determining button availability.

Properties inherited from INamedEntity

  Property name Brief description
Id The Id property determines an object identifier.
Key The Key property returns the object key.
Name The Name property determines an object name.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces