

The IPrxFormatConditions interface determines parameters of the collection of formatting conditions.


  Property name Brief description
IsDefault The IsDefault property determines whether conditional formatting is inherited from a parent object.
IsSet The IsSet property returns True if conditional formatting is enabled, and False if conditional formatting is disabled.

Properties inherited from ITabFormatConditions

  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of conditional formats in the collection.
Item The Item property returns a link to the conditional format.

Methods inherited from ITabFormatConditions

  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds a new conditional format and returns a reference to it.
AddCollection The AddCollection method adds a specified collection of conditional formats.
Clear The Clear method clears the collection of conditional formats.
Remove The Remove method removes the conditional format, the index of which is passed as the input parameter.
RemoveCollection The RemoveCollection method removes the collection of conditional formats.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces