Express Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
EaxAdjustMode The EaxAdjustMode enumeration contains modes of autofitting cell sizes.
EaxAggregationFunction The EaxAggregationFunction enumeration is used to set aggregation method applied to calculate diaplyed value.
EaxBubbleChartIndicators The EaxBubbleChartIndicators enumeration is used to set metric type of bubble chart.
EaxBubbleTreeIndicators The EaxBubbleTreeIndicators enumeration is used to set the type of bubble tree metrics.
EaxCacheMode The EaxCacheMode enumeration contains types of caching mechanisms that can be used when working with data sources.
EaxCalendarViewMode The EaxCalendarViewMode enumeration is used to determine settings for calendar dimensions display modes.
EaxChangeSelectionOperation The EaxChangeSelectionOperation enumeration is used to determine operation on selected object.
EaxChartEvaluatedElements The EaxChartEvaluatedElements enumeration contains types of calculated elements that can be displayed on a chart with actual data.
EaxChartIndicatorType The EaxChartIndicatorType enumeration is used to set chart metric type.
EaxChartSingleCellRangeMode The EaxChartSingleCellRangeMode enumeration contains modes of plotting a chart when a single cell is selected.
EaxConfigurationPadHeaderContent The EaxConfigurationPadHeaderContent enumeration  contains types of controls, which can be included in the panel title.
EaxCustomStatisticsType The EaxCustomStatisticsType enumeration is used to determine an additional summary statistics.
EaxDataAreaHierarchySortDirection The EaxDataAreaHierarchySortDirection enumeration is used to determine direction of alternative hierarchy elements sorting.
EaxDataAreaSliceCalculationOptions The EaxDataAreaSliceCalculationOptions enumeration is used to set calculation parameters of data slice elements.
EaxDataAreaSliceType The EaxDataAreaSliceType enumeration is used to set slice type of analytical data area.
EaxDataAreaTransformationCalculationMode The EaxDataAreaTransformationCalculationMode enumeration is used to set order of formula calculation for calculated elements in calculation chain.
EaxDataDrillMode The EaxDataDrillMode enumeration is used to set selection modification mode in dimension elements detailing.
EaxDimensionSynchronizationDirection The EaxDimensionSynchronizationDirection enumeration is used to determine type of the link used on dimension synchronization.
EaxDimensionOwnerType The EaxDimensionOwnerType enumeration is used to determine type of dimension source.
EaxDimPanelOrientation The EaxDimPanelOrientation enumeration contains available methods of arranging dimensions in the ReportControlPanel development environment component.
EaxDrillType The EaxDrillType enumeration contains data drilldown methods.
EaxEnabledExportFormats The EaxEnabledExportFormats enumeration contains available formats, to which the express report can be exported.
EaxGridHeaderBehaviour The EaxGridHeaderBehaviour enumeration is used to determine the type of behavior of rows or columns when inserting a data area.
EaxGridHeaderPlacement The EaxGridHeaderPlacement enumeration is used to determine the type of setup of header layout.
EaxGridIndicatorType The EaxGridIndicatorType enumeration is used to determine the type of table metrics.
EaxGridOutputPart The EaxGridOutputPart enumeration is used to set displayed table area.
EaxGridRefreshPart The EaxGridRefreshPart enumeration contains refresh parts in the regular report table.
EaxGridUpdateDataOptions The EaxGridUpdateDataOptions enumeration is used to determine an update option.
EaxHeaderTitleContentType The EaxHeaderTitleContentType enumeration contains names used for dimensions or attributes of table corner.
EaxHeaderTitleType The EaxHeaderTitleType enumeration contains types of the table corner property.
EaxInteractiveMode The EaxInteractiveMode enumeration contains the interactive modes of express report.
EaxMapChartIndicators The EaxMapChartIndicators enumeration is used to set metric type of the map supported the OpenGL technology.
EaxMapIndicatorType The EaxMapIndicatorType enumeration is used to set metric type of the old type map.
EaxMapPredefinedScaleStyle The EaxMapPredefinedScaleStyle enumeration contains standard styles of color distribution used for territories formatting depending on the values.
EaxMode The EaxMode enumeration contains display modes of the workspace of time series database.
EaxObjectType The EaxObjectType enumeration contains express report object type.
EaxOpenCubeOptions The EaxOpenCubeOptions enumeration is used to define mode of cube opening.
EaxPivotSliceApplyOptions The EaxPivotSliceApplyOptions enumeration is used to determine settings of imported parameters application to analytical data area slice.
EaxPointChartMode The EaxPointChartMode enumeration contains data transmission modes on plotting a scatter chart.
EaxPopupCommandType The EaxPopupCommandType enumeration is used to set operation on collapsed hierarchy.
EaxPopupSortType The EaxPopupSortType enumeration is used to set sorting type of hierarchy elements.
EaxProblemSource The EaxProblemSource enumeration is used to determine data source for analysis.
EaxRangeType The EaxRangeType enumeration contains the types of components of express report table.
EaxSaveLoadOptions The EaxSaveLoadOptions enumeration contains parameters of saving and loading the express report.
EaxSaveSettings The EaxSaveSettings enumeration is used to determine parameters of saving express report visualizers.
EaxSeparatorType The EaxSeparatorType enumeration is used to determine the type of separator between table attributes in cells or in their comments.
EaxSliceCopyOptions The EaxSliceCopyOptions enumeration is used to set copying parameters of analytical data area slice.
EaxSliceIndicatorType The EaxSliceIndicatorType is used to determine metric type  of analytical data area slice.
EaxSparklinesPosition The EaxSparklinesPosition enumeration contains sparkline plotting areas in express report table.
EaxTreeMapIndicators The EaxTreeMapIndicators enumeration is used to set type of tree map metrics.
EaxWindowsPosition The EaxWindowsPosition enumeration contains location options of object windows of express report in the report area.
EaxWorkbookChartSerieType The EaxWorkbookChartSerieType enumeration is used to define the series type on the chart in the workbook.
EaxWorkbookChartType The EaxWorkbookChartType enumeration is used to determine the chart type in the workbook.
LanerBoxArea The LanerBoxArea enumeration contains the LanerBox component area.
LanerBoxCoefficentColumns The LanerBoxCoefficentColumns enumeration is used to estimate non-linear regression model on the Coefficients tab of the Calculation Results panel for the LanerResultsBox property.
LanerBoxContainerType The LanerBoxContainerType enumeration contains the panel types of the LanerResultsBox development environment.
LanerBoxManagedOptions The LanerBoxManagedOptions enumeration contains data source settings and uses the LanerBox component.
LanerBoxMethod The LanerBoxMethod enumeration contains transformation methods of data series in the workbook.
LanerBoxOperation The LanerBoxOperation enumeration contains operations over the workbook.
PivotTransformationSelectionOperation The PivotTransformationSelectionOperation enumeration is used to set type of selection modification operation.
WbkConfigurationPanelContext The WbkConfigurationPanelContext enumeration is used to determine the context displayed in the WorkbookConfigurationPanel component.

See also:

Express Assembly Interfaces | Express Assembly Classes