Enumeration | Brief description | |
AlgorithmCalculationMode | The AlgorithmCalculationMode enumeration contains algorithm execution modes. | |
AlgorithmCalculationPeriodMode | The AlgorithmCalculationPeriodMode enumeration contains creation options for the selection that will be used for algorithm calculation. | |
AlgorithmParamSelectionType | The AlgorithmParamSelectionType enumeration contains types of the selection that will be sent to calculation algorithm parameter. | |
AlgorithmParamType | The AlgorithmParamType enumeration contains calculation algorithm parameter control types. | |
EaxAdjustMode | The EaxAdjustMode enumeration contains modes of autofitting cell sizes. | |
EaxAggregationFunction | The EaxAggregationFunction enumeration is used to set aggregation method applied to calculate diaplyed value. | |
EaxBubbleChartIndicators | The EaxBubbleChartIndicators enumeration is used to set metric type of bubble chart. | |
EaxBubbleTreeIndicators | The EaxBubbleTreeIndicators enumeration is used to set the type of bubble tree metrics. | |
EaxCacheMode | The EaxCacheMode enumeration contains types of caching mechanisms that can be used when working with data sources. | |
EaxCalendarViewMode | The EaxCalendarViewMode enumeration is used to determine settings for calendar dimensions display modes. | |
EaxChangeSelectionOperation | The EaxChangeSelectionOperation enumeration is used to determine operation on selected object. | |
EaxChartEvaluatedElements | The EaxChartEvaluatedElements enumeration contains types of calculated elements that can be displayed on a chart with actual data. | |
EaxChartIndicatorType | The EaxChartIndicatorType enumeration is used to set chart metric type. | |
EaxChartSingleCellRangeMode | The EaxChartSingleCellRangeMode enumeration contains modes of plotting a chart when a single cell is selected. | |
EaxConfigurationPadHeaderContent | The EaxConfigurationPadHeaderContent enumeration contains types of controls, which can be included in the panel title. | |
EaxCustomStatisticsType | The EaxCustomStatisticsType enumeration is used to determine an additional summary statistics. | |
EaxDataAreaHierarchySortDirection | The EaxDataAreaHierarchySortDirection enumeration is used to determine direction of alternative hierarchy elements sorting. | |
EaxDataAreaSliceCalculationOptions | The EaxDataAreaSliceCalculationOptions enumeration is used to set calculation parameters of data slice elements. | |
EaxDataAreaSliceType | The EaxDataAreaSliceType enumeration is used to set slice type of analytical data area. | |
EaxDataAreaTransformationCalculationMode | The EaxDataAreaTransformationCalculationMode enumeration is used to set order of formula calculation for calculated elements in calculation chain. | |
EaxDataDrillMode | The EaxDataDrillMode enumeration is used to set selection modification mode in dimension elements detailing. | |
EaxDimensionSynchronizationDirection | The EaxDimensionSynchronizationDirection enumeration is used to determine type of the link used on dimension synchronization. | |
EaxDimensionOwnerType | The EaxDimensionOwnerType enumeration is used to determine type of dimension source. | |
EaxDimPanelOrientation | The EaxDimPanelOrientation enumeration contains available methods of arranging dimensions in the ReportControlPanel development environment component. | |
EaxDrillType | The EaxDrillType enumeration contains data drilldown methods. | |
EaxEnabledExportFormats | The EaxEnabledExportFormats enumeration contains available formats, to which the express report can be exported. | |
EaxGridHeaderBehaviour | The EaxGridHeaderBehaviour enumeration is used to determine the type of behavior of rows or columns when inserting a data area. | |
EaxGridHeaderPlacement | The EaxGridHeaderPlacement enumeration is used to determine the type of setup of header layout. | |
EaxGridIndicatorType | The EaxGridIndicatorType enumeration is used to determine the type of table metrics. | |
EaxGridOutputPart | The EaxGridOutputPart enumeration is used to set displayed table area. | |
EaxGridRefreshPart | The EaxGridRefreshPart enumeration contains refresh parts in the regular report table. | |
EaxGridUpdateDataOptions | The EaxGridUpdateDataOptions enumeration is used to determine an update option. | |
EaxHeaderTitleContentType | The EaxHeaderTitleContentType enumeration contains names used for dimensions or attributes of table corner. | |
EaxHeaderTitleType | The EaxHeaderTitleType enumeration contains types of the table corner property. | |
EaxInteractiveMode | The EaxInteractiveMode enumeration contains the interactive modes of express report. | |
EaxMapChartIndicators | The EaxMapChartIndicators enumeration is used to set metric type of the map supported the OpenGL technology. | |
EaxMapIndicatorType | The EaxMapIndicatorType enumeration is used to set metric type of the old type map. | |
EaxMapPredefinedScaleStyle | The EaxMapPredefinedScaleStyle enumeration contains standard styles of color distribution used for territories formatting depending on the values. | |
EaxMode | The EaxMode enumeration contains display modes of the workspace of time series database. | |
EaxObjectType | The EaxObjectType enumeration contains express report object type. | |
EaxOpenCubeOptions | The EaxOpenCubeOptions enumeration is used to define mode of cube opening. | |
EaxPivotSliceApplyOptions | The EaxPivotSliceApplyOptions enumeration is used to determine settings of imported parameters application to analytical data area slice. | |
EaxPointChartMode | The EaxPointChartMode enumeration contains data transmission modes on plotting a scatter chart. | |
EaxPopupCommandType | The EaxPopupCommandType enumeration is used to set operation on collapsed hierarchy. | |
EaxPopupSortType | The EaxPopupSortType enumeration is used to set sorting type of hierarchy elements. | |
EaxProblemSource | The EaxProblemSource enumeration is used to determine data source for analysis. | |
EaxRangeType | The EaxRangeType enumeration contains the types of components of express report table. | |
EaxSaveLoadOptions | The EaxSaveLoadOptions enumeration contains parameters of saving and loading the express report. | |
EaxSaveSettings | The EaxSaveSettings enumeration is used to determine parameters of saving express report visualizers. | |
EaxSeparatorType | The EaxSeparatorType enumeration is used to determine the type of separator between table attributes in cells or in their comments. | |
EaxSliceCopyOptions | The EaxSliceCopyOptions enumeration is used to set copying parameters of analytical data area slice. | |
EaxSliceIndicatorType | The EaxSliceIndicatorType is used to determine metric type of analytical data area slice. | |
EaxSparklinesPosition | The EaxSparklinesPosition enumeration contains sparkline plotting areas in express report table. | |
EaxTreeMapIndicators | The EaxTreeMapIndicators enumeration is used to set type of tree map metrics. | |
EaxWindowsPosition | The EaxWindowsPosition enumeration contains location options of object windows of express report in the report area. | |
EaxWorkbookChartSerieType | The EaxWorkbookChartSerieType enumeration is used to define the series type on the chart in the workbook. | |
EaxWorkbookChartType | The EaxWorkbookChartType enumeration is used to determine the chart type in the workbook. | |
LanerBoxArea | The LanerBoxArea enumeration contains the LanerBox component area. | |
LanerBoxCoefficentColumns | The LanerBoxCoefficentColumns enumeration is used to estimate non-linear regression model on the Coefficients tab of the Calculation Results panel for the LanerResultsBox property. | |
LanerBoxContainerType | The LanerBoxContainerType enumeration contains the panel types of the LanerResultsBox development environment. | |
LanerBoxManagedOptions | The LanerBoxManagedOptions enumeration contains data source settings and uses the LanerBox component. | |
LanerBoxMethod | The LanerBoxMethod enumeration contains transformation methods of data series in the workbook. | |
LanerBoxOperation | The LanerBoxOperation enumeration contains operations over the workbook. | |
PivotTransformationSelectionOperation | The PivotTransformationSelectionOperation enumeration is used to set type of selection modification operation. | |
WbkConfigurationPanelContext | The WbkConfigurationPanelContext enumeration is used to determine the context displayed in the WorkbookConfigurationPanel component. |
See also: