

The LanerBoxCoefficentColumns enumeration is used to estimate non-linear regression model on the Coefficients tab of the Calculation Results panel for the LanerResultsBox component.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Coefficient. Coefficient.
1 Value. Value.
2 Error. Standard error.
3 TStatistic. t-Statistic.
4 Probabilty. Probability.
5 Factor. Factor.
6 InitApproximation. Initial approximation.


Coefficient. Coefficient name.

Value. Estimated coefficient value.

Error. The approximate value of the estimated coefficient deviation (caused by random sampling) from the true value. The greater is the value of the standard error, the less reliable is the estimated coefficient.

TStatistic. It is calculated as the ratio of an estimated coefficient to its standard error. It is also used to check the null hypothesis (whether the coefficient is equal to zero, that is, it is not significant in the used regression model). The hypothesis is checked based on the assumption that the residuals have normal distribution. T-statistics value can be interpreted easier using the probability value given next to it.

Probabilty. The probability value for t-statistics. The null hypotheses of coefficient estimation being equal to zero is rejected on the selected significance level (as a rule 0.1, 0.05, 0.01), if the probability is less than the significance level.

Factor. The name of a factor for which a coefficient has been estimated.

InitApproximation. Initial approximation is used as the value which helps to estimate the model more precisely.

See also:

Express Assembly Enumerations