Express Assembly Classes

  Class Brief description
DiagnosticReport The DiagnosticReport class implements an object used to work with diagnostic reports.
EaxBubbleChart The EaxBubbleChart class implement the express report bubble chart.
EaxAfterExecuteEventArgs The EaxAfterExecuteEventArgs class is used to work with argument of the event that occurs after table calculation.
EaxAfterExportEventArgs The EaxAfterExportEventArgs class is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs after report export.
EaxAfterPrintEventArgs The EaxAfterPrintEventArgs class is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs after report print.
EaxBeforeExecuteEventArgs The EaxBeforeExecuteEventArgs class is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs before table calculation.
EaxBeforeExportEventArgs The EaxBeforeExportEventArgs class is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs before report export.
EaxBeforePrintEventArgs The EaxBeforePrintEventArgs class is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs before report print.
EaxBubbleChartBox The EaxBubbleChartBox implements the EaxBubbleChartBox development environment component used to display the matrix.
EaxBubbleTree The EaxBubbleTree class is used to work with bubble tree.
EaxChart The EaxChart class is a chart used in express reports.
EaxConfigurationPad The EaxConfigurationPad class implements tab of the EaxConfigurationPanel component.
EaxConfigurationPadPanel The EaxConfigurationPadPanel class implements the panel tab of the EaxConfigurationPanel component.
EaxConfigurationPanel The EaxConfigurationPanel class implements the EaxConfigurationPanel development environment component.
EaxCustomConfigurationCategory The EaxCustomConfigurationCategory class implements the group of tabs of the EaxConfigurationPanel component.
EaxDataArea The EaxDataArea class is used to implement analytical data area.
EaxDataAreaCellStyle The EaxDataAreaCellStyle class is used to implement style of analytical data area cells.
EaxDocumentViewerBox The EaxDocumentViewerBox class implements the EaxDocumentViewerBox development environment component.
EaxGrid The EaxGrid class is a table used in express reports.
EaxHierarchySettings The EaxHierarchySettings class is used to set up alternative hierarchy.
EaxMap The EaxMap class is a map used in express reports.
EaxMapBox The EaxMapBox class implements the EaxMapBox development environment component used to show express report maps.
EaxMapBoxTerritoryEventArgs The EaxMapBoxTerritoryEventArgs class implements argument of the event occurring on clicking on any region of the map.
EaxPadChangedArgs The EaxPadChangedArgs class implements the argument of the event which occurs on activating any tab of the EaxConfigurationPanel development environment component.
EaxTableStyle The EaxTableStyle class is the style of an express report table.
EaxTreeMap The EaxTreeMap class is used to work with tree map.
ErAnalyzerDimPanel The ErAnalyzerDimPanel class implements the ErAnalyzerDimPanel development environment component that contains express report dimension panels.
ErAnalyzerTitle The ErAnalyzerTitle class implements the ErAnalyzerTitle development environment component that is used to show express report title.
ExAnalyzerExporter The ExAnalyzerExporter class is an object that contains various settings and further exports express report to various formats.
ExpressEvents The ExpressEvents class is used to implement events express report event handler.
LanerBox The LanerBox class contains properties and methods of the LanerBox development environment component.
LanerBoxAttributeEventArgs The ILanerBoxAttributeEventArgs class is used to work with event arguments that occur with attributes of time series database in the LanerBox component.
LanerBoxChangeEventArgs The LanerBoxChangeEventArgs class is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs on workbook changing.
LanerBoxMethodSettings The LanerBoxMethodSettings class is used to configure parameters of transformation method applied to a data series.
LanerBoxSerieEventArgs The LanerBoxSerieEventArgs class is used to work with arguments of the events that occur with workbook series in the LanerBox component.
LanerResultsBox The LanerResultsBox class contains properties and methods of the LanerResultsBox development environment component.
LanerResultsBoxCopyEventArgs The LanerResultsBoxCopyEventArgs contains properties of argument of the event that occurs on copying data from the Summary Statistics tab on the Calculation Results panel of the LanerResultsBox component..
LanerResultsBoxChartChangedEventArgs The LanerresultsBoxChartChangedEventArgs class is used to work with arguments of the events that occur with express report chart in the LanerResultsBox component.
TableWidget The TableWidget class is used to set up the TableWidget component.
UiEaxBubbleChart The Express Assembly Classes class implements the UiEaxBubbleChart development environment component.
UiEaxMap The EaxMap class is a map used in express reports.
UiErAnalyzer The UiErAnalyzer class implements the UiErAnalyzer development environment component accessing express reports and workbooks of the time series database.
ValidationLegendBox The ValidationLegendBox class implements the ValidationLegendBox development environment component used to show the list of validation rules that were applied in the workbook.
WidgetChangeEventArgs The WidgetChangeEventArgs class implements the argument of the event that occurs on changing any settings.
WorkbookConfigurationPanel The WorkbookConfigurationPanel class implements the WorkbookConfigurationPanel.
WorkbookDocumentViewerBox The WorkbookDocumentViewerBox class implements the WorkbookDocumentViewerBox development environment component.
WorkbookStatisticsPanel The WorkbookStatisticsPanel class implements the WorkbookStatisticsPanel development environment component.

See also:

Express Assembly Interfaces | Express Assembly Enumerations