

The EaxGrid class is a table used in express reports.

Properties inherited from IEaxGrid

  Property name Brief description
AdditionalHeaderSize The AdditionalHeaderSize property returns size of additional table headers.
AdjustSettings The AdjustSettings property returns parameters of cell size autofitting.
AllowEditWhenNotCalculated The AllowEditWhenNotCalculated property determines whether table can be edited before its calculation.
ColumnName The ColumnName property returns name of the header of an express report table column.
DataDisplayModeInteractive The DataDisplayModeInteractive property determines whether data of the express report table is automatically refreshed.
DiagnosticReport The DiagnosticReport property determines diagnostic report for table.
DimRange The DimRange property returns table cell range where elements of the dimension specified by key are shown.
The DisplayActiveSortIconOnly property determines whether a sorting icon is displayed for column/row with enabled sorting.
DisplayLegend The DisplayLegend property determines whether the chart legend is displayed in the express report table.
FillTabSheet The FillTabSheet property determines whether data in analytical area will be displayed on opening a report for edit.
FixHeadersOnPrint The FixHeadersOnPrint property determines whether headers of express report table are fixed on printing this report.
FootnotePanelOptions The FootnotePanelOptions property returns location parameters of footnote panel.
HeaderSize The HeaderSize property returns size of table headers.
HeaderTitle The HeaderTitle property determines corner header text.
HeaderTitleContentType The HeaderTitleContentType property determines name type in the table corner.
HeaderTitleType The HeaderTitleType property determines header type table corner.

The HighlightEvaluatedCells property determines whether an icon indicating cells with highlighted elements is displayed.

IndicatorSeparator The IndicatorSeparator property determines a separator between dictionary attributes and cell vales.
InternalHyperlinksEnabled The InternalHyperlinksEnabled property determines whether hyperlinks are used for data drilldown in the table.
IsCellDrillable The IsCellDrillable property returns whether data drilldown is available for the specified table cell.
IsColumnEvaluated The IsColumnEvaluated property returns True if the column with the index passed in the Column parameter is calculable.
IsRangeDrillable The IsRangeDrillable property returns whether data drilldown is available for the specified table cells range.
IsRowEvaluated The IsRowEvaluated property returns True if the row with the index passed in the Row parameter is calculable.
Legends The Legends property returns a collection of table legends.
OutPutRect The OutPutRect property determines parameters of the table rectangular area.
Range The Range property returns range of the table rectangular area.
RowName The RowName property returns name of the header of an express report table row.
SparklinesPosition The SparklinesPosition property determines a plot area for sparklines in the table.
SpecificRange The SpecificRange property returns the cell range for the integral part type of express report table.
Style The Style property returns object that contains parameters of displaying express report table.
TabSheet The TabSheet property returns object that contains parameters of express report table elements.
TotalsRange The TotalsRange property returns table cell range with displayed totals by columns or rows.
Transposed The Transposed property determines whether the table is transposed.
ViewSettings The ViewSettings property determines data table display parameters.

Properties inherited from IEaxObject

  Property name Brief description
Active The Active property determines active object of the express report.
AllowSaveData The AllowSaveData property determines whether after modification object data will be saved to the source.
Available The Available property returns the availability criterion for the object in the express report.
CombinedIndicatorSelection The CombinedIndicatorSelection property returns selection of all dimension metrics in view.
Description The Description property returns description of an express report object.
Enabled The Enabled property determines whether the object should be plotted.
Id The Id property determines object identifier.
IndicatorLegendAssignment The IndicatorLegendAssignment property determines metric purpose in visualizer legend.
IndicatorSelection The IndicatorSelection property returns dimension metric selection in view.
IsLoaded The IsLoaded property determines whether analytical area object will be loaded.
Laner The Laner property determines object to work with workbook of time series database in the series mode.
Pivot The Pivot property determines object which is a base to build data table.
PrintSettings The PrintSettings property returns parameters of express report object print and export.
SelectionManager The SelectionManager property returns an object used to work with dimension selection.
SyncIndicators The SyncIndicators property determines whether metric synchronization is enables for visualizers.
Tag The Tag property determines any value linked to the object.
Type The Type property determines the type of express report object.
UndoRedo The UndoRedo property returns undo/redo stack parameters of express report object.
ViewScale The ViewScale property determines size of object window in the express report.
ViewSize The ViewSize property returns the express report object size.
Visible The Visible property determines whether the object is displayed in express report window and printed.

Methods inherited from IEaxGrid

  Method name Brief description

The Activate8020 method enables and disables the 80/20 analysis.

The Adjust method automatically adjusts cell size.

The AdjustHyperlinks method sets the working mode for hyperlinks of the express report table elements.

The ApplyHighlight method highlights data.

The ApplySelectionToFilterRange method passes parameters of table area as the range, in which data is filtered.

The Copy method creates a copy of the table.

The CreateAttachmentsPluginContext method creates a context for working with cell attachments.

The DeleteElements method removes elements from selection which are in the specified range.

The DrillCellResult method returns result of data drilldown for the selected table cell.

The DrillRangeResult method returns result of data drilldown for the selected range of table cells.

The KeepOnlyElements method changes selection in such a way that only the specified cell range is available in the table.

Date of change

The RefreshPart method refreshes a specified table area.

The UpdateData method determines whether the whole data area or its part is updated without rebuilding sidehead or heading.

Methods inherited from IEaxObject

  Method name Brief description
Load The Load method loads analytical area method.
Refresh The Refresh method updates an express report object.

See also:

Express Assembly Classes