

The EaxChart class is a chart used in express reports.

Properties inherited from IEaxChart

  Property name Brief description
BuildPointNameHierarchy The BuildPointNameHierarchy property enables or disables creating point hierarchy for the chart.
Chart The Chart property returns object that contains parameters of express report chart displaying.
DisplayHidden The DisplayHidden property determines whether hidden columns or rows are to be shown on a chart.
EvaluatedElements The EvaluatedElements property determines the type of calculated elements displayed on a chart.
GetDataRange The GetDataRange property returns a cell range, by which a chart is built.
GetSerieTabRange The GetSerieTabRange property returns cell range used to create a specified series.
PointChartMode The PointChartMode property determines data transfer method on creating a scatter chart.
Range The Range property determines the range of selected table area used to create the chart.
SerieDrillable The SerieDrillable property determines whether data drilldown is available by a specified chart series.
SeriesInRows The SeriesInRows property determines how the data series are obtained.
SeriesLimit The SeriesLimit property determines maximum number of series that can be displayed on a chart.
SingleCellRangeMode The SingleCellRangeMode property determines method used to plot a chart when a single cell is selected.
UseNormalization The UseNormalization property determines whether normalized data is displayed.

Properties inherited from IEaxObject

  Property name Brief description
Active The Active property determines active object of the express report.
AllowSaveData The AllowSaveData property determines whether after modification object data will be saved to the source.
Available The Available property returns the availability criterion for the object in the express report.
CombinedIndicatorSelection The CombinedIndicatorSelection property returns selection of all dimension metrics in view.
Description The Description property returns description of an express report object.
Enabled The Enabled property determines whether the object should be plotted.
Id The Id property determines object identifier.
IndicatorLegendAssignment The IndicatorLegendAssignment property determines metric purpose in visualizer legend.
IndicatorSelection The IndicatorSelection property returns dimension metric selection in view.
IsLoaded The IsLoaded property determines whether analytical area object will be loaded.
Laner The Laner property determines object to work with workbook of time series database in the series mode.
Pivot The Pivot property determines object which is a base to build data table.
PrintSettings The PrintSettings property returns parameters of express report object print and export.
SelectionManager The SelectionManager property returns an object used to work with dimension selection.
SyncIndicators The SyncIndicators property determines whether metric synchronization is enables for visualizers.
Tag The Tag property determines any value linked to the object.
Type The Type property determines the type of express report object.
UndoRedo The UndoRedo property returns undo/redo stack parameters of express report object.
ViewScale The ViewScale property determines size of object window in the express report.
ViewSize The ViewSize property returns the express report object size.
Visible The Visible property determines whether the object is displayed in express report window and printed.

Methods inherited from IEaxChart

  Method name Brief description

The ArePointsDrillable method determines whether data drilldown is available by specified chart points.
The CorrectSerieIndex method corrects index of the specified chart series.

The DrillPoint method performs the data drilldown by the chart point.

The DrillPoints method performs the data drilldown by several chart points.

The DrillSerie method performs the data drilldown by the chart series.

The DrillSerie method performs the data drilldown by several chart series.

The GetPointTabRange method returns data range used to create a specified point.

The IsPointDrillable method determines whether data drilldown is available by a specified chart point.

The IsSeriesDrillable method determines whether data drilldown is available by specified chart series.

Methods inherited from IEaxObject

  Method name Brief description
Load The Load method loads analytical area method.
Refresh The Refresh method updates an express report object.

See also:

Express Assembly Classes