

The PivotTransformationSelectionOperation enumeration is used to set type of selection modification operation.

It is used by the following method and property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. Default. Without selection modification.
1 Union. Union.
2 Intersection. Intersection.
3 Difference. Difference.
4 SymmetricDifference. Symmetric difference.
5 Replace. Replace.


Union. Selection containing all elements of both initial selections.

Intersection. Selection to which belong only the elements belonging to both initial selections at the same time.

Difference. Selection to which enter all elements of the first initial selection which do not enter in the second initial selection.

SymmetricDifference. Selection including all elements of initial selections which do not belong to both initial selections. Symmetric difference is a sum of two selections differences.

See also:

Express Assembly Enumerations