

The EaxMode enumeration contains display modes of the workspace of time series database.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 MultiDimension. Multidimensional mode.
1 Series. Series mode.


Series mode. Indicator values are displayed in table rows one under another. Row headers display values of the attributes identifying the indicators, whereas the column headers contain calendar.

Multidimensional mode. Unlike the series mode, where its table is created based on the added indicators, in the multidimensional mode a table is created based on selection in the corresponding dimensions. In this case slices contain attribute values. Changing dimension selection adds or deletes a table series. The multidimensional mode enables users to move dimensions from rows or columns' headers. Multidimensional mode is also called OLAP view of the time series database.

See also:

Express Assembly Enumerations