

The Chart is used to work with a chart based on the Canvas item.


The Chart component is implemented with the Chart class.

The component is used to represent data in the chart. This data is shown as series that have a set of points. For different chart types the user should define specific settings for series and points combined in specific classes. Thus, in an area chart the data series are implemented with the ChartAreaSerie class and the points are implemented with the ChartAreaPoint class. Histograms use ChartColumnSerie and ChartColumnPoint classes respectively, while pie charts use ChartPieSerie and ChartPiePoint classes. Data series of a spline chart is represented with the ChartSplineSerie class.

Both rectangular or polar coordinate systems can be applied when plotting the chart. The polar coordinate system is implemented with the ChartPolarXAxis and ChartPolarYAxis classes.


The Chart component may look as follows:

Example of Creating a Histogram

Example of Creating a Stacked Histogram

Example of Creating an Area Chart

Example of Creating a Pie Chart

Example of Creating a Line Chart

Example of Creating a Spline Chart

Example of Creating a Scatter Chart


  Constructor name Brief description
Chart The Chart constructor creates an instance of the Chart class.


  Property name Brief description
AutoRotateMarker The AutoRotateMarker property determines whether automatic rotation of chart markers is set.
BackgroundColor The BackgroundColor property determines chart background color.
BorderColor The BorderColor property determines a chart border color.
BorderEnabled The BorderEnabled property determines chart border displaying.
BorderStyle The BorderStyle property determines a chart border line style.
BorderWidth The BorderWidth property determines chart border width.
Center The Center property determines chart center.
CircleSize The CircleSize property determines outer border size of a pie chart.
CircleSizeInPercent The CircleSizeInPercent property determines a method for setting outer border of a pie chart.
CustomData The CustomData property determines custom data.
Deep The Deep property determines X axis length when displaying a 3D chart.
Draggable The Draggable property determines whether a chart can be dragged.
EditMode The EditMode property determines an object that is used to edit a chart.
ExcludeInvisibleSeries The ExcludeInvisibleSeries property determines whether chart invisible data series must be excluded from calculation.
InnerCircleSize The InnerCircleSize property determines size of padding between inner border and center of a pie chart.
InnerCircleSizeInPercent The InnerCircleSizeInPercent property determines a method for setting size of padding between inner border and center of a pie chart.
Inverted The Inverted property determines whether a chart is inverted.
Is3D The Is3D property determines whether a 3D chart is displayed.
IsManhattan The IsManhattan property sets a chart type - 3D chart with groups.
IsMixed The IsMixed property determines whether a chart is mixed.
LabelsLayer The LabelsLayer property determines a element that is a rendering layer of chart labels.
Legend The Legend property determines a chart legend.
LegendFormatter The LegendFormatter property determines formatting of chart legend labels.
MarkersEnabled The MarkersEnabled property determines whether chart data series markers are displayed.
MarkersSymbol The MarkersSymbol property determines a shape of chart data series marker.
Options The Options property determines chart setting via web service.
PaddingBottom The PaddingBottom property determines bottom padding of chart.
PaddingLeft The PaddingLeft property determines left padding of chart.
PaddingRight The PaddingRight property determines right padding of chart.
PaddingTop The PaddingTop property determines top padding of chart.
PlotArea The PlotArea property determines chart rendering area.
Polar The Polar property determines whether a polar system of coordinates is used on a chart.
Rotation The Rotation property determines rotation angle of a pie chart.
Scroller The Scroller property determines a chart scroller.
Selection The Selection method returns the object containing information about selected chart series elements.
Series The Series property determines an array of chart data series.
Stacking The Stacking property determines stacking type on a chart.
Subtitle The Subtitle property determines parameters of chart subtitle.
Title The Title property determines chart title parameters.
ToolTip The ToolTip property determines tooltip parameters.
ToolTipDataFormat The ToolTipDataFormat property determines tooltip data format.
ToolTipDelay The ToolTipDelay property determines a delay before a tooltip is displayed.
ToolTipFollowPointer The ToolTipFollowPointer property determines behavior of a tooltip on moving the mouse cursor.
ToolTipFormatter The ToolTipFormatter property determines a tooltip text mask.
Type The Type property determines a chart type.
UseIndicatorColorForToolTipBorder The UseIndicatorColorForToolTipBorder property determines coloring of tooltip border with series color.
UseMarkersThinning The UseMarkersThinning property determines whether markers are hidden provided at least some of them overlap each other.
UseSelectOnRightClick The UseSelectOnRightClick property determines whether chart elements are selected by the right mouse click.
UseSoftPadding The UseSoftPadding property determines whether alternative calculation of chart paddings is used.
UseZeroSubstitution The UseZeroSubstitution property determines whether empty values in data series are filled with zeros.
XAxis The XAxis property determines a chart category axis.
YAxis The YAxis property determines a chart value axis.
YSAxis The YSAxis property determines a chart secondary value axis.
ZAxis The ZAxis property determines a chart height axis.


  Method name Brief description
addSerie The addSerie method adds a new data series to a chart.
beginUpdate The beginUpdate method disables rerendering of a chart until the endUpdate method is called.
destroy The destroy method deletes a chart.
endUpdate The endUpdate method enables chart redrawing and refreshes it.
getChartBounds The getChartBounds method returns rectangular area of the container, which contains a chart.
getColumnSeriesCount The getColumnSeriesCount method returns the number of chart data series as columns.
getForecastRange The getForecastRange method returns the maximum backward and forward forecast for a chart.
getFreeArea The getFreeArea method returns chart plot area.
getIsCartesianChart The getIsCartesianChart method returns whether a chart uses Cartesian system of coordinates.
getIsResizing The getIsResizing method returns whether a chart is being resized.

The getPaddings method returns an object containing chart paddings.

getPaddingWasApplied The getPaddingWasApplied method returns an object containing whether chart paddings are applied.
getPieSeriesCount The getPieSeriesCount method returns the number of data series in a pie chart.
getPlotBorders The getPlotBorders method returns an object with chart sizes and paddings.
getSerie The getSerie method returns a chart data series by its index.
getSerieByDataIndex The getSerieByDataIndex method returns a chart data series by its index.
getSeriesByStackId The getSeriesByStackId method returns a data series array by a unique stacked chart identifier.
getSeriesStacks The getSeriesStacks method recalculates all chart stacks for further calculations.
getSeriesTypes The getSeriesTypes method returns an array of chart series.
getStackExtrems The getStackExtrems method returns calculated values of chart stacks.
getStackGroups The getStackGroups method returns the array of unique stacked chart identifiers.
getStats The getStats method returns chart summary statistics.
getZoom The getZoom method returns chart zoom options.
hoverItems The hoverItems method sets highlighting for the specified chart series.
isWidthDataSupported The isWidthDataSupported method returns whether width and angle indicator is used.
redraw The redraw method rerenders a chart.
redrawSeries The redrawSeries method rerenders chart data series.
removeAllSeries The removeAllSeries method removes all chart data series.
removeSerie The removeSerie method removes the specified chart data series.
resize The resize method resizes a chart.
selectItems The selectItems method selects the specified chart series.
setHeight The setHeight method sets chart height.
setHoverPoint The setHoverPoint method sets point selection on a chart.
setInteractivity The setInteractivity method determines whether a chart is interactive.
setWidth The setWidth method sets chart width.
updateLegendHighlightMode The updateLegendHighlightMode method refreshes selection mode in the legend on enabling or disabling of chart editing.


   Event name Brief description
Deselected The Deselected event occurs on deselecting chart element series.
ItemsHovered The ItemsHovered event occurs on hovering the cursor on a chart series.
ItemsSelected The ItemsSelected event occurs on selecting a chart series.
ItemsVisibilityChanged The ItemsVisibilityChanged occurs on changing visibility of chart data series.
PointMouseOut The PointMouseOut event occurs after the cursor leaves a chart data series point.
PointMouseOver The PointMouseOver event occurs after hovering the cursor on the chart data series point.
Rendered The Rendered event occurs on rendering a chart.
Scroll The Scroll event occurs when the chart X axis is scrolled.
Selected The Selected event occurs on selecting a chart series element.

See also:

DHTML Components