Business application basic properties can be set up on the Basic Settings page in the business application creation wizard.
Set the parameters:
Name. Enter business application name that will be displayed in the object navigator.
Identifier. Enter business application identifier. An identifier is a sequence of Latin letters, numbers and underscores and starts with a letter. An identifier must be unique for the given repository.
Create a Database Based on the Existing One. Select the checkbox and select in the drop-down list the database, which connection settings will be used to create a business application database. The database is used as a child object of business application to create relational objects. If the checkbox is deselected, a new database is created with connection parameters that are set in global variables of the repository. Database connection is executed automatically using the credentials specified on repository login.
NOTE. A database is created once on creating a business application.
NOTE. Enter text description if required.
To save the determined settings, click the Save button.
After setting up basic properties create or change business application internal structure in the object navigator. If the business application is opened for edit, set up layout and formatting.
See also:
Building Business Application in the Web Application | Creating an Internal Structure | Setting Up Layout and Formatting