Viewing Calculated Data

Calculated data can be viewed for objects that are data consumers of calculation blocks, aggregation blocks, linear optimization blocks and control blocks:

Data viewing is available for repository objects added to a calculation algorithm.

To preview:

    1. Select calculation block, aggregation block, linear optimization block, or control block in the working area.

    2. Select the Open Consumer In item in the block's context menu and select the tool to open the object: Analytical Queries (OLAP), Reports.

The object opens in the corresponding tool. When an algorithm is calculated or debugged, the source cube dimension selection changes depending on data consumer settings, after which, on cube opening, the dimension selection is displayed only by data calculated in the corresponding block. If data filtering is set up in calculation block or control block, it will not affect the dimension selection. If required, save express report or regular report.

As a result, the object is opened for view. If the object contains the parameters that are not bound with calculation algorithm parameters, the Determine Parameter Values dialog box opens. For details about links between object parameters and calculation algorithm parameters see the Setting Links with Repository Object Parameters section.

See also:

Getting Started with the Calculation Algorithms Extension in the Web Application | Working with ready Calculation Algorithm