To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.

Setting Links with Repository Object Parameters

Links are used to manage repository object parameters using calculation algorithm parameters. When opening repository objects, algorithm parameter values will be sent to linked parameters of these objects.

Links between calculation algorithm parameters and repository object parameters can be set on the Manage Repository Object Parameters tab in the Calculation Algorithm Parameters dialog box:

Open the dialog box

Initially, the tab displays only parameters of all repository objects added to a calculation algorithm.

To link a repository object parameter and a calculation algorithm parameter:

  1. Select the repository object parameter.

  2. Click the Set Link button. The Calculation Parameter Link dialog box opens, in which select the calculation algorithm parameter linked with the repository object parameter:

Only parameters of one type can be linked.

As a result, the calculation algorithm parameter will be linked with the repository object parameter. Set links for all required repository object parameters.

TIP. To automatically create links between parameters of the Selection type, click the Link All button.

If any repository object parameter is not linked, when opening this object the system opens the Set Parameter Values dialog box, in which you should set parameter values:

NOTE. If a link is set with the cube parameter that has a saved OLAP view, this cube opens with the following information message: "The selected cube has a saved view. Opening parameters control will be ignored". The saved cube view will open.

To unlink, select the link and click the Unlink button.

See also:

Getting Started with the Calculation Algorithms Extension in the Web Application | Adding and Setting Up Parameters