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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Enumerations

Cubes Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
The AutoCubeUpdateOption enumeration contains data update methods.
The ConvertBatchMode enumeration contains formulas collection update options during conversion.
The CubeAttachmentType enumeration contains types of attachments stored in various cube coordinates.
The CubeCalcMethod enumeration contains calculation modes of standard cube calculation facts.
The CubeClearOptions enumeration is used to determine parameters of clearing a time series database.
The CubeDataRights enumeration contains type of access permissions to data.
The CubeDatasetAggregateDuplicatesMode enumeration contains locations where duplicate data is aggregated.
The CubeDataType enumeration is used to determine how to get data.
The CubeDimensionExecuteOptions enumeration contains dimension options.
The CubeDimensionFilterMethod enumeration contains methods of query filtering by dimension.
The CubeDimensionTag enumeration contains types of cube dimensions.
The CubeExecuteSetupUnitOption enumeration contains predetermined types of units that are used in calculation.
The CubeFactBindingAggregatedDataType enumeration contains type of data, to which value can be converted after aggregation.
The CubeFactBindingAggregationType enumeration contains methods of aggregation calculation on server.
The CubeFactBindingRole enumeration is used to determine binding role of facts in cube.
The CubeFormulasViewSourceNaming enumeration contains formats of marking data source in the names of elements on creating formulas.
The CubeInstanceDestinationExecutorOptions enumeration is used to select an option of cached data use to calculate a cube instance.
The CubeInstanceStorageOptions enumeration contains modes of saving data to a cube.
The CubeLoadClearMode enumeration is used to determine the mode of updating, clearing of exporting the existing time series database.
The CubeLoadDuplicateCheckSet enumeration is used to determine the mode of excluding duplicate values on loading time series.
The CubeLoaderMapMethod enumeration contains methods of linking between source dimension and consumer dimension.
The CubeLoaderType enumeration contains types of repository objects, to which data is loaded.
The CubeMetaCopierBindingType enumeration contains types of time series attributes binding when they are copied from the time series database.
The CubeMetaExporterBindingType enumeration contains types of binding time series database attributes to data consumer fields when time series are exported.
The CubeMetaLoaderBindingType enumeration contains types of binding time series database attributes to data source fields when time series are imported.
The CubeMetaLoaderFieldType enumeration contains types of data source fields.
The CubeMetaLoaderLoadType enumeration contains modes of factor loading.
The CubeMetaLoaderParserType enumeration contains order of recognizing attributes in the data source.
The CubeMetaUpdateAttributeRemappingType enumeration contains methods that are used to determine value of attribute of the copied database.
The CubeSelectionControlOptions enumeration contains options of disabling control of parameters using dimension when editing formulas by means of controlling dimension.
The CubeSelectionControlOptions enumeration contains options of selection control strategy.
The EvaluateOnlyType enumeration contains the sets of coordinates, by which output matrix must be calculated.
The ImportRequestSourceType enumeration contains types of data sources for import of factors.
The MDCalculateArgsCleanType enumeration contains methods of cleaning a data consumer before calculation.
The MDCalculateArgsUpdateType enumeration contains methods of updating data in the consumer during calculation.
The MDCalculationFormulaBinaryOperation enumeration contains kinds of binary operation used in formula of multidimensional calculation as an operand.
The MDCalculationFormulaDatePeriod enumeration contains kinds of period, by which a value of the Shift function is calculated in formula.
The MDCalculationFormulaDelimiter enumeration contains kinds of separator used in formula as an operand.
The MDCalculationFormulaElementSum enumeration contains methods of summing the values of child elements.
The MDCalculationFormulaFunctionCall enumeration contains types of the function, which can be used in a formula as an operand.
The MDCalculationFormulaOperandKind enumeration contains kinds of operand used in formula.
The MDCalculationFormulaUnaryOperation enumeration contains kinds of unary operation used in the formula as an operand.
The MDCalculationSliceFilterType enumeration contains methods of filtering the elements, by which multidimensional calculation should be executed.
The MDCalculationSliceFixType enumeration contains types of data source or data consumer dimensions.
The RubricatorAutoDateType enumeration contains methods of setting dates for the time period of time series database.
The RubricatorContainerType enumeration contains types of objects that form a time series database.
The RubricatorDictionary enumeration contains types of dictionaries that contain data of time series database.
The RubricatorDictionaryOperation enumeration contains types of operations performed on dictionaries of a time series database.
The RubricatorFormulaDataKind enumeration contains formulas of the time series database.
The RubricatorSegmentType enumeration contains types of time series database segments.
The SaveRubricatorDataOptions enumeration contains options of saving the time series database data.
The SelectionControlApplyMode contains modes, in which parameters of label control are applied.
The TransformModelAutoPeriodOptions enumeration contains conditions that specify the period of calculation.
The TransformModelPeriodSet enumeration contains parameters of calculation period.
The VirtualCubeCompoundPredeterminedType enumeration contains types of predetermined compound structures of virtual cube.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces | Cubes Assembly Classes | Examples