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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Enumerations > RubricatorDictionary



The RubricatorDictionary enumeration contains types of dictionaries that contain data of time series database.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. Type is not determined.
1 Facts. Factors dictionary.
2 Values. Factor values dictionary.
3 FactsValues. Dictionary of factors and values.
4 Revisions. Revisions dictionary.
5 FactsRevisions. Dictionary of factors by revisions.
6 ValuesRevisions. Dictionary of values by revisions.
7 FactsValuesRevisions. Dictionary of factors and values by revisions.
8 ValidationExecs. Dictionary of validations calculations.
16 ValidationValues. Dictionary of values calculated in validation.
32 ValidationExecsChildren. Dictionary of executed validations.
40 ValidationExecsValidations. Dictionary of validations executed during calculation.
56 ValidationExecsValues. Dictionary of calculations, values and validations.
57 FactsValidationExecsValues. Dictionary of factors, calculations and values calculated in validation.
128 Formulas. Formulas dictionary.
256 ValueDependencies. Dictionary of dependent values.
513 DependentFacts. Dictionary of dependent factors.
771 ValuesValueDependenciesDependentFacts. Dictionary of values, dependent values and dependent factors.
1023 AllDictionaries. All dictionaries.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Enumerations