Cubes > Cubes Assembly Enumerations > RubricatorDictionary
The RubricatorDictionary enumeration contains types of dictionaries that contain data of time series database.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
0 | None. Type is not determined. |
1 | Facts. Factors dictionary. |
2 | Values. Factor values dictionary. |
3 | FactsValues. Dictionary of factors and values. |
4 | Revisions. Revisions dictionary. |
5 | FactsRevisions. Dictionary of factors by revisions. |
6 | ValuesRevisions. Dictionary of values by revisions. |
7 | FactsValuesRevisions. Dictionary of factors and values by revisions. |
8 | ValidationExecs. Dictionary of validations calculations. |
16 | ValidationValues. Dictionary of values calculated in validation. |
32 | ValidationExecsChildren. Dictionary of executed validations. |
40 | ValidationExecsValidations. Dictionary of validations executed during calculation. |
56 | ValidationExecsValues. Dictionary of calculations, values and validations. |
57 | FactsValidationExecsValues. Dictionary of factors, calculations and values calculated in validation. |
128 | Formulas. Formulas dictionary. |
256 | ValueDependencies. Dictionary of dependent values. |
513 | DependentFacts. Dictionary of dependent factors. |
771 | ValuesValueDependenciesDependentFacts. Dictionary of values, dependent values and dependent factors. |
1023 | AllDictionaries. All dictionaries. |
See also: