Cubes > Cubes Assembly Enumerations > CubeLoadClearMode
The CubeLoadClearMode enumeration is used to determine the mode of updating, clearing of exporting the existing time series database.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
0 | Default_. Default update mode. |
1 | MetadataOnly. Only series metadata. |
2 | DataOnly. Only series data. |
3 | DataAndMetadata. Series data and metadata. |
Depending on the purposes of usage of the enumeration, there are various features and constraints:
The CubeLoadClearMode mode.Default_ can be used only on copying or importing data to the time series database. The data will be changed according to the parameters specified for the corresponding copying/import object.
The CubeLoadClearMode.MetadataOnly mode:
On import and copy: values by the attributes that are used to set up connection are updated for existing series. Measurement units will not be updated. For the created series the linked attributes, frequency and mnemonics of the series, group attributes, which are inherited from the group, will be filled. If some unlinked attribute must have mandatory value, an error is generated on creating a new series. Also, depending on values of the OverWriteWholeFactorValues flag for import and ForceEmptyValues for copying the following options are available:
True. The values of the linked attributes of the existing series will be cleared for the whole series.
False. The values of linked attributes by those points of the series, by which there are non-empty values in the source will be transferred to consumer.
On clearing: values of the specified factor and observation attributes are reset where it is allowed. Units and values in the points for series are not reset.
On export: only observation level attributes are exported, point values are exported as empty.
The CubeLoadClearMode.DataOnly mode:
On import and copying: Series point values and units are updated for existing series. For the created series the linked attributes, frequency, measurement units and mnemonics of the series, group attributes which are inherited from the group will be filled. The observation attributes for the new series will have empty value. If some unlinked attribute must have mandatory value, an error will be generated on creating a new series. Also, depending on values of the OverWriteWholeFactorValues flag for import and ForceEmptyValues for copying the following options are available:
True. The point values of the existing series will be cleared for the whole series.
False. Only the values of those points of the series, by which there are non-empty values in the source, will be transferred.
On clearing: series point values are reset for series. Measurement units will not be reset.
On export: only point values are exported, observation attribute values are exported as empty.
The CubeLoadClearMode.DataAndMetadata mode:
On import, copying and clearing: above mentioned restrictions are taken into account. All operations are executed first with data, then with metadata.
On export. Point values and observation attribute values are exported.
See also: