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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Enumerations > AutoCubeUpdateOption



The AutoCubeUpdateOption enumeration contains data update methods.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. Source and consumer data is synchronized according to the passed selection.
1 NoCheckDuplicates. Check for duplicates is not executed. There should be an empty data consumer. If there is an existing record, exception is thrown. This mode boosts data saving by reducing the number of queries to database server.
2 All. Passed selection is not taken into account. Data is updated by all coordinates.
4 NoDelete.Consumer is not cleared according to the passed selection before data update. If data is absent by any coordinates in the data source, already existing values remain in the data consumer by these coordinates.
8 GetResult. Report about data update results is generated.
16 WithNulls.In the data consumer empty values are set only by those coordinates, for which empty records exist in the data source.
64 UseTempTables. Temporary tables are used. First of all, all data is inserted into temporary table, then missing data in the main table is checked and transferred to the DBMS server.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Enumerations