Cubes > Cubes Assembly Enumerations > CubeDimensionFilterMethod
The CubeDimensionFilterMethod enumeration contains methods of query filtering by dimension.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
0 | Default. The method is selected by the platform kernel. |
1 | FetchAll. Extract all records independently of selection. |
2 | RatioBased. Filter depending on selection size (in percents to total number of elements). |
3 | QuantityBased. Filter depending on the number of selected elements. |
4 | InExpression. Filter by condition IN. |
16 | UseTempTable. Use temporary table. |
18 | RatioBasedUseTempTable. Filter depending on the selection size (in percents to total number of elements) and use temporary table. |
19 | QuantityBasedUseTempTable. Filter depending on the number of selected elements and use temporary table. |
See also: