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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Enumerations > CubeDimensionFilterMethod



The CubeDimensionFilterMethod enumeration contains methods of query filtering by dimension.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Default. The method is selected by the platform kernel.
1 FetchAll. Extract all records independently of selection.
2 RatioBased. Filter depending on selection size (in percents to total number of elements).
3 QuantityBased. Filter depending on the number of selected elements.
4 InExpression. Filter by condition IN.
16 UseTempTable. Use temporary table.
18 RatioBasedUseTempTable. Filter depending on the selection size (in percents to total number of elements) and use temporary table.
19 QuantityBasedUseTempTable. Filter depending on the number of selected elements and use temporary table.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Enumerations