Cubes > Cubes Assembly Enumerations > CubeCalcMethod
The CubeCalcMethod enumeration contains calculation modes of standard cube calculation facts.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
0 | BySelection. Calculation according to the dimension selection: calculation in each point of obtained Cartesian product for selected elements. |
1 | ByMatrix. Calculation by actual data: firstly, matrix with source data is evaluated (matrix is extracted according to the determined selection) and next only points with data are used for calculation. The obtained matrix with calculated values of calculated facts is cached and is used further in order not to recalculate obtained values. |
Calculation according to the dimension selection is used, if cube does not contain many dimensions and data is present for all selected elements.
Calculation by actual data is used if there are a lot of dimensions in the cube, and it does not contain data by all selection elements. The following must be taken into account:
If calculated fact formula uses special functions (DIF, FIL, SUM and others), the value of calculated fact will be calculated only for the points with required data in the source matrix.
If calculated fact formula uses relations, which shift values or the specific fact value is taken, the calculated fact value will be calculated only for the points with required data contained in the source matrix. If shift should be executed from the selection, which is not present in matrix, the value will not be calculated.
See also: