Cubes > Cubes Assembly Enumerations > TransformModelAutoPeriodOptions
The TransformModelAutoPeriodOptions enumeration contains conditions that specify the period of calculation.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
0 | None. It resets conditions that set calculation period. |
1 | IdentStartByFact. Sample period start date is equal to the first actual date of input series plus the set number of periods. |
2 | IdentStartByIdentEnd. Sample period start date is equal to date of sample period end minus the set number of periods. |
4 | IdentEndByFact. Sample period end date is equal to the last actual date of input series plus the set number of periods. Forecasting period start date is equal to date of sample period end + one period. |
5 | IdentByFact. Combination of the IdentStartByFact and IdentEndByFact values. |
8 | ForecastEndByIdentEnd. Forecasting period end date is equal to date of sample period end plus the set number of periods. |
16 | ForecastEndByFact. Forecasting period end date is equal to the last actual date of model factors plus the set number of periods. |
17 | AllByFact. Combination of the IdentStartByFact and ForecastEndByFact values. |
32 | IdentEndAsNow. Sample period end date is equal to the current number plus the set number of periods. Forecasting period start date is equal to date of sample period end plus one period. |
42 | UseNowAndIdentEndOffsets. Combination of the IdentEndAsNow, IdentStartByIdentEnd and ForecastEndByIdentEnd values. Identification start date and forecast end date are taken with shift from the end of sample period. |
64 | IdentStartAsNow. Sample period start date is equal to the current number plus the set number of periods. |
128 | ForecastEndAsNow. Forecasting period end date is equal to the current number plus the set number of periods. |
224 | UseNowAndOffsets. Combination of the IdentEndAsNow, IdentStartAsNow and ForecastEndAsNow checkboxes. |
256 | IdentEndByFactStart. Sample period end date is equal to the first actual date of input series plus the set number of periods. |
512 | IdentEndByIdentStart. Sample period end date is equal to date of sample period start plus the set number of periods. |
1024 | IdentStartByForecastEnd. Sample period start date is equal to forecasting period end date minus the set number of periods. |
2048 | ForecastEndByIdentStart. Forecasting period end date is equal to sample period start date plus the set number of periods. |
4096 | IdentStartByOwner. Sample period start date is determined by sample period start date of calculated object owner. |
5187 | IdentStartAll. Combination of the IdentStartByOwner, IdentStartByFact, IdentStartByIdentEnd, IdentStartAsNow, IdentStartByForecastEnd values. |
8192 | IdentEndByOwner. Sample period end date is determined by sample period end date of calculated object owner. |
8996 | IdentEndAll. Combination of the dentEndByOwner, IdentEndByFact, IdentEndAsNow, IdentEndByFactStart, IdentEndByIdentStart values. |
16384 | ForecastEndByOwner. Forecasting period end date is determined by forecasting period end date of calculated object owner. |
18584 | ForecastEndAll. Combination of the ForecastEndByIdentEnd, ForecastEndByFact, ForecastEndAsNow, ForecastEndByIdentStart, ForecastEndByOwner values. |
32768 | ForecastStartAsNow. Forecasting period start date is equal to the current number plus the set number of periods. |
65536 | ForecastStartbyIdentStart. Forecasting period start date is equal to sample period start date plus the set number of periods. |
131072 | ForecastStartByIdentEnd. Forecasting period start date is equal to sample period end date plus the set number of periods. |
262144 | ForecastStartByForecastEnd. Forecasting period start date is equal to forecasting period end date minus the set number of periods. |
524288 | ForecastStartByOwner. Forecasting period start date is determined by forecasting period start date of calculated object owner. |
552960 | AllByOwner. Combination of the IdentStartByOwner, IdentEndByOwner, ForecastStartByOwner, ForecastEndByOwner values. |
To set the number of added or subtracted periods, use the following properties for date:
Sample period start - IFormulaTransformModel.IdentificationStartOffset.
Sample period end - IFormulaTransformModel.IdentificationEndOffset.
Forecasting period start - IFormulaTransformModel.ForecastStartDateOffset.
Forecasting period end - IFormulaTransformModel.ForecastEndOffset.
See also: