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Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui



The PP.Exp.Ui namespace contains classes and enumerations for working with express report.


  Class name Brief description
class_image.gif AnalysisPanel The AnalysisPanel class implements the Analysis panel, a part of the express report properties panel.
class_image.gif AnalyticsCategory The AnalyticsCatView class implements the Advanced Analytics tab of the express report tool ribbon.
class_image.gif AnalyticsCatView The AnalyticsCatView class implements view of the Advanced Analytics tab of the express report tool ribbon.
class_image.gif BubbleTreeBox The BubbleTreeBox class implements bubble tree container.
class_image.gif BubbleChartMaster The BubbleChartMaster class implements the express report bubble chart wizard.
class_image.gif ChainDialog The ChainDialog class implements the Calculation Chain dialog box.
class_image.gif ChartBox The ChartBox class implements a container for express report chart.
class_image.gif ChartCatView The ChartCatView class implements view of the Chart tab of express report ribbon.
class_image.gif ChartCategory The ChartCategory class implements the Chart tab in express report ribbon.
class_image.gif DataCatView The DataCatView class implements view of the Data tab of express report ribbon.
class_image.gif DataCategory The DataCategory class implements the Data tab of express report ribbon.
class_image.gif DataPanel The DataPanel class implements the Data tab in the express report properties panel.
class_image.gif DataSourceParamsPanel The DataSourceParamsPanel class implements the Data Sources Parameters tab in the express report properties panel. This tab is used to set up parameters of data sources.
class_image.gif DataSourcesPanel The DataSourcesPanel class implements the Data Sources tab in the express report properties panel.
class_image.gif DimIndicatorMP The DimIndicatorMP class implements the Indicators dimension tab in the express report properties panel.
class_image.gif DimSelectionDialog The DimSelectionDialog class implements a dialog box for displaying and changing the current selection.
class_image.gif DimViewOptionsDialog The DimViewOptionsDialog class implements the dialog box for setting up dimensions layout.
class_image.gif EaxBubbleChart The EaxBubbleChart class implements the Bubble Chart view of express report.
class_image.gif EaxBubbleChartView The EaxBubbleChartView class implements view of express report bubble chart.
class_image.gif EaxCategoryView The EaxCategoryView class is a base class of express report tool bar.
class_image.gif EaxChartView The EaxChartView class implements view of express report chart.
class_image.gif EaxDataBox The EaxDataBox class implements a container for data area of express report.
class_image.gif EaxDataView The EaxDataView class implements view of the container for working area of express report.
class_image.gif EaxDimBar The EaxDimBar class implements dimension panel of express report.
class_image.gif EaxDimBarMaster The EaxDimBarMaster class implements wizard that manages selection in dimensions.
class_image.gif EaxDimBarMasterPanel The EaxDimBarMasterPanel class implements dimension panel in selection wizard.
class_image.gif EaxDimBarPrivateMP The EaxDimBarPrivateMP class implements private dimensions panel in selection wizard.
class_image.gif EaxDimBarView The EaxDimBarView class implements view of express report dimension panel.
class_image.gif EaxDimTransformDialog The EaxDimTransformDialog class implements a view of the dialog box for creating and editing a formula of dimension element of express report.
class_image.gif EaxGrid The EaxGrid class implements container for the spreadsheet in working area of express report.
class_image.gif EaxGridView The EaxGridView class implements view of the container for spreadsheet in working area of express report.
class_image.gif EaxMapBox The EaxMapBox class is a container for express report map.
class_image.gif EaxMapView The EaxMapView class implements view of the container for express report map.
class_image.gif EaxModeSelector The EaxModeSelector class implements the button used to select data views display mode.
class_image.gif EaxModeSelectorView The EaxModeSelectorView class implements view of the button used to select data views display mode.
class_image.gif EaxObject The EaxObject class implements a basic class of express report visual objects.
class_image.gif EaxParameterBox The EaxParameterBox class implements a container for express report parameters.
class_image.gif EaxParameterView The EaxParameterView class implements view of the container for express report parameters.
class_image.gif EaxPivotSortTransformDialog The EaxPivotSortTransformDialog class implements a dialog box for sorting express report table by formula.
class_image.gif EaxPropertyBar The EaxPropertyBar class implements express report properties panel.
class_image.gif EaxRibbon The EaxRibbon class implements the express report ribbon.
class_image.gif EaxRibbonView The EaxRibbonView class implements view of the express report ribbon.
class_image.gif EaxTitleView The EaxTitleView class implements view of the express report title.
class_image.gif EaxToolBar The EaxToolBar class implements the group of buttons used to switch between data display modes.
class_image.gif EaxToolBarView The EaxToolBarView class implements view of the group of buttons used to switch between data display modes.
class_image.gif ExpressBox The ExpressBox class implements express reports container.
class_image.gif ExpressView The ExpressView class implements view of express reports container.
class_image.gif FilterDialog The FilterDialog class implements the filter dialog box.
class_image.gif FilterLinkAttrDialog The FilterLinkAttrDialog class implements a dialog box for filtering by attribute links.
class_image.gif FormatCategory The FormatCategory class implements the Format tab in the express report tool ribbon.
class_image.gif FormatCatView The FormatCatView class implements view of the Format tab in the express report tool ribbon.
class_image.gif GaugeBox The GaugeBox class implements speedometer container.
class_image.gif HtmlExportDialog The HtmlExportDialog class implements a dialog box for express report export to HTML.
class_image.gif MainCatView The MainCatView class implements the Home tab in the express report ribbon.
class_image.gif MapCatView The MapCatView class implements view of the Map tab in the express report ribbon.
class_image.gif MapCategory The MapCategory class implements the Map tab in the express report ribbon.
class_image.gif ParametersDataSource The ParametersDataSource class implements the Data Sources Parameters tab in the Parameters dialog box.
class_image.gif ParametersDialog The ParametersDialog class implements the Parameters dialog box used to set up express report parameters.
class_image.gif ParametersDimensionsView The ParametersDimensionsView class implements the Dimensions tab for the Parameters dialog box.
class_image.gif ParetoDialog The ParetoDialog class implements the dialog box for setting up Pareto data distribution.
class_image.gif PivotFilterTransformDialog The PivotFilterTransformDialog class implements a filtering dialog box when filtering by formula is set.
class_image.gif PivotFilterTransformDialogLeftPanel The PivotFilterTransformDialogLeftPanel class is used to open the left panel of formula editing component when filtering is set.
class_image.gif ReadonlyCatView The ReadonlyCatView class implements the Home tab on the ribbon if the express report is opened in the view mode.
class_image.gif StatTreeView The StatTreeView class implements the Summary Statistics dialog box that shows the tree of summary statistics for express report data.
class_image.gif StatisticsWindow The StatisticsWindow class implements window of the Summary Statistics dialog, that shows the tree of summary statistics for express report data.
class_image.gif TableCatView The TableCatView class implements view of the Table tab of the express report ribbon.
class_image.gif TableCategory The TableCategory class implements the Table tab in the express report ribbon.
class_image.gif TableViewPanel The TableViewPanel class implements the View tab in the express report properties panel.
class_image.gif TitleBox The TitleBox class implements container for express report title.
class_image.gif TitleCatView The TitleCatView class implements view of the Title tab on the express report tool ribbon.
class_image.gif TitleCategory The TitleCategory class implements the Title tab in the express report tool ribbon.
class_image.gif TotalsPanel The TotalsPanel class implements the Totals tab of the express report properties panel.
class_image.gif TreeMapBox The TreeMapBox class implements tree map container.
class_image.gif ViewCatView The ViewCatView class implements the View tab in the express report ribbon.
class_image.gif XlsExportDialog The XlsExportDialog class implements the Export Options to XLS dialog.


  Enumeration name Brief description
ChartEditMode The ChartEditMode enumeration contains methods of editing data in express report chart.
ControlType The ControlType enumeration contains types of regular report control.
DimViewMode The DimViewMode enumeration contains view modes of dimension panel in express report.
EaxAggregationFunction The EaxAggregationFunction enumeration contains aggregation functions for indicators.
EaxModeSelectorType The EaxModeSelectorType enumeration contains possible variants of menu items for the button used to select data views display mode.
EaxObjectType The EaxObjectType enumeration contains types of express report object.
EaxTablePart The EaxTablePart enumeration contain types of table areas in express report.
EaxPropertyViews The EaxPropertyViews enumeration contains properties of express report views.
EaxPropViewMode The EaxPropViewMode enumeration contains displaying modes of the wizard in the express report properties panel.
EaxViewMode The EaxViewMode enumeration contains modes of data views layout in the express report working area.
GridCMenu The GridCMenu enumeration contains types of context menu types for express report table.
HeaderContainerVisibility The HeaderContainerVisibility enumeration contains display modes for the contains that stores express report title and the group of buttons used to select data view option.
IndicatorType The IndicatorType enumeration contains growth indicator modes.
ModelUpdate The ModelUpdate enumeration contains methods of data model updating.
PropertyGroups The PropertyGroups enumeration contains groups of tabs shown in express report properties panel.
PvtAggregationOperation The PvtAggregationOperation enumeration contains functions of data aggregation in fixed dimensions of express report.
PvtParetoKind The PvtParetoKind enumeration contains types of Pareto distribution.
PvtSortDiapason The PvtSortDiapason enumeration contains types of sorting ranges for express report dimensions data.
RankingEnum The RankingEnum enumeration contains methods of ranking data in express report.
RankTypeEnum The RankTypeEnum enumeration contains types of data ranking in express reports.
RibbonAnalyticsEnum The RibbonAnalyticsEnum enumeration contains methods of express report advanced analytics.
RibbonTableEnum The RibbonTableEnum enumeration contains operations for express report table setup.
RibbonTableNFormatEnum The RibbonTableNFormatEnum enumeration contains formats of data in express report table.
RibbonTableStyleEnum The RibbonTableStyleEnum enumeration contains types of express report table styles.
TabTablePredefinedScale The TabTablePredefinedScale enumeration contains types of conditional formatting applied in express report table.
TabTablePredefinedStyle The TabTablePredefinedStyle enumeration contains predefined formatting styles of express report table.
ParamType The ParamType enumeration contains types of express report parameters.
PivotSortDirectionEnum The PivotSortDirectionEnum enumeration contains types of data ranking in express report.
TitleProperties The TitleProperties enumeration contains properties of express report title.
TitleType The TitleType enumeration contains types of express report title.
TotalsEnum The TotalsEnum enumeration contains the list of totals for express report table.
ViewTypeUpdate The ViewTypeUpdate enumeration contains interface elements that must be updated on changing a property in express report.

See also:

Class Library