Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Enumerations > ControlType
Namespace: PP.Exp.Ui;
The ControlType enumeration contains types of controls and properties used in express report.
It is used by the following properties, methods and events:
Value | Brief description |
Totals | The Totals pane in the express report properties panel. |
Ranking | Ranking of express report data. |
CellsAutoFit | Cells autofit. |
Tables | Express report tables. |
Map | Express report map. |
Chart | Express report chart. |
BubbleChart | Express report bubble chart. |
Gauge | Express report speedometer. |
BubbleTree | Express report bubble tree. |
TreeMap | Express report tree map. |
ChartDataSource | Data source of the express report chart. |
SortDiapason | Express report data range sorting. |
Filter | Express report filter. |
MainControlElements | Main controls of the express report. |
DimCalcs | Calculated factors of the express report. |
DimensionSettings | Dimension detailing settings. |
NumberFormat | Number format in express report. |
SelectedPartGridStyles | Changing style of selected table cells. |
GridStyles | Collection of table styles. |
GridHdrPlacement | Dimension layout settings in table heading and sidehead. |
RibbonMain | Home tab in the express report tool ribbon. |
RibbonData | Data tab in the express report tool ribbon. |
RibbonFormat | The Format tab on express report tool ribbon. |
RibbonView | View tab in the express report tool ribbon. |
RibbonTable | Table tab in the express report tool ribbon. |
RibbonChart | Chart tab in the express report tool ribbon. |
RibbonMap | Map tab in the express report tool ribbon. |
RibbonTitle | The Title tab in the express report tool ribbon. |
RibbonReadonly | Tool ribbon of an express report opened in the view mode. |
RibbonReport | Report button in the express report tool ribbon. |
Headers | Layout of the express report table. |
HdrPlacement | Settings for dimension location in table. |
SpecialDim | Special express report dimension. |
Indicator | Express report indicator. |
SelectAllFixedElements | Type when all elements of fixed dimensions must be selected. |
DimNamings | Collection of dimension element names. |
DimSelection | Selected dimensions of express report. |
DimensionSpecFiltering | Special dimension filtering. |
DimOrder | Order of dimension elements arrangement. |
DimHighlight | Dimension elements highlighting. |
DimGroup | Group of dimension elements. |
DataView | View of express report working area container. |
DataSources | Data Sources tab in the express report properties panel. |
DataSourceFactor | Data source factor. |
Params | Data source parameters. |
CubeDataImport | Indicates that OLAP cube data is imported. |
CubeDest | OLAP cube layout option. |
EaxOptions | Express report settings. |
ReportParams | Regular report parameters. |
GridSorting | Indicates if express report table is sorted. |
GridSelectionAggregate | Aggregation of selected table area. |
GridParam | Table parameters. |
TableSortingMethod | Sorting method used for express report table. |
DimView | Layout option for dimensions panel in express report. |
PrivateDimsDisplayMode | Mode of displaying private express report dimensions. |
PinPrivate | Moving of private dimension into fixed private. |
MovePrivate | Moving of private dimension. |
IndicatorAggregation | Method of aggregation for the specified metric type. |
UndoRedo | Parameters of express report undo/redo stack. |
NavigateValidationException | Validation exception. |
Title | The Title tab in the express report tool ribbon. |
ObjVisibility | Indicates if express report object is visible. |
DrillDown | Indicates that level of express report elements is changed. |
AnalysisPanel | Analysis panel in the express report properties panel. |
ChartSeries | Data Series panel in the express report properties panel. |
ChartSelection | Chart selection change. |
ChartItemsVisibilityChanged | Visibility of chart data series. |
ObjectSelection | An object for working with dimension selection. |
GridSelection | Changing table selection. |
MapSelection | Map selection change. |
ShowMaster | A wizard must be shown. |
ShowSerieMaster | Type when the user selects desired series in series wizard. |
ShowTrendMaster | Trend lines wizard must be shown. |
SelectPart | Changing of selected table area via context menu or tool ribbon. |
SelectedFormat | Displaying of format for selected table area. |
SelectedFilter | Changing filtering settings. |
TableCondtitions | Table conditions. |
DataTransform | Data transformation. |
FixInfo | Information on fixed dimensions. |
StatisticsWindowOpening | Opening the Summary Statistics dialog box. |
StatisticsWindowOpened | The Summary Statistics opened dialog box. |
StatisticsWindowClosed | The Summary Statistics closed dialog box. |
AddObject | Adding a folder to validation rules. |
EditValidation | Changing validation rules. |
ChainDialog | The Calculation Chain dialog box. |
MapChatTopobaseChanged | Changing the topobase, based on which an express report map is created. |
MapChatTopobaseReset | resetting the topobase, based on which an express report map is created. |
PivotSortItems | Changing sorting setting in table. |
See also: