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Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Enumerations > ControlType


Namespace: PP.Exp.Ui;


The ControlType enumeration contains types of controls and properties used in express report.

It is used by the following properties, methods and events:

Available Values

Value Brief description
Totals The Totals pane in the express report properties panel.
Ranking Ranking of express report data.
CellsAutoFit Cells autofit.
Tables Express report tables.
Map Express report map.
Chart Express report chart.
BubbleChart Express report bubble chart.
Gauge Express report speedometer.
BubbleTree Express report bubble tree.
TreeMap Express report tree map.
ChartDataSource Data source of the express report chart.
SortDiapason Express report data range sorting.
Filter Express report filter.
MainControlElements Main controls of the express report.
DimCalcs Calculated factors of the express report.
DimensionSettings Dimension detailing settings.
NumberFormat Number format in express report.
SelectedPartGridStyles Changing style of selected table cells.
GridStyles Collection of table styles.
GridHdrPlacement Dimension layout settings in table heading and sidehead.
RibbonMain Home tab in the express report tool ribbon.
RibbonData Data tab in the express report tool ribbon.
RibbonFormat The Format tab on express report tool ribbon.
RibbonView View tab in the express report tool ribbon.
RibbonTable Table tab in the express report tool ribbon.
RibbonChart Chart tab in the express report tool ribbon.
RibbonMap Map tab in the express report tool ribbon.
RibbonTitle The Title tab in the express report tool ribbon.
RibbonReadonly Tool ribbon of an express report opened in the view mode.
RibbonReport Report button in the express report tool ribbon.
Headers Layout of the express report table.
HdrPlacement Settings for dimension location in table.
SpecialDim Special express report dimension.
Indicator Express report indicator.
SelectAllFixedElements Type when all elements of fixed dimensions must be selected.
DimNamings Collection of dimension element names.
DimSelection Selected dimensions of express report.
DimensionSpecFiltering Special dimension filtering.
DimOrder Order of dimension elements arrangement.
DimHighlight Dimension elements highlighting.
DimGroup Group of dimension elements.
DataView View of express report working area container.
DataSources Data Sources tab in the express report properties panel.
DataSourceFactor Data source factor.
Params Data source parameters.
CubeDataImport Indicates that OLAP cube data is imported.
CubeDest OLAP cube layout option.
EaxOptions Express report settings.
ReportParams Regular report parameters.
GridSorting Indicates if express report table is sorted.
GridSelectionAggregate Aggregation of selected table area.
GridParam Table parameters.
TableSortingMethod Sorting method used for express report table.
DimView Layout option for dimensions panel in express report.
PrivateDimsDisplayMode Mode of displaying private express report dimensions.
PinPrivate Moving of private dimension into fixed private.
MovePrivate Moving of private dimension.
IndicatorAggregation Method of aggregation for the specified metric type.
UndoRedo Parameters of express report undo/redo stack.
NavigateValidationException Validation exception.
Title The Title tab in the express report tool ribbon.
ObjVisibility Indicates if express report object is visible.
DrillDown Indicates that level of express report elements is changed.
AnalysisPanel Analysis panel in the express report properties panel.
ChartSeries Data Series panel in the express report properties panel.
ChartSelection Chart selection change.
ChartItemsVisibilityChanged Visibility of chart data series.
ObjectSelection An object for working with dimension selection.
GridSelection Changing table selection.
MapSelection Map selection change.
ShowMaster A wizard must be shown.
ShowSerieMaster Type when the user selects desired series in series wizard.
ShowTrendMaster Trend lines wizard must be shown.
SelectPart Changing of selected table area via context menu or tool ribbon.
SelectedFormat Displaying of format for selected table area.
SelectedFilter Changing filtering settings.
TableCondtitions Table conditions.
DataTransform Data transformation.
FixInfo Information on fixed dimensions.
StatisticsWindowOpening Opening the Summary Statistics dialog box.
StatisticsWindowOpened The Summary Statistics opened dialog box.
StatisticsWindowClosed The Summary Statistics closed dialog box.
AddObject Adding a folder to validation rules.
EditValidation Changing validation rules.
ChainDialog The Calculation Chain dialog box.
MapChatTopobaseChanged Changing the topobase, based on which an express report map is created.
MapChatTopobaseReset resetting the topobase, based on which an express report map is created.
PivotSortItems Changing sorting setting in table.

See also:
