Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Classes > EaxBubbleChartView > EaxBubbleChartView.PropertyChanged
PropertyChanged: function (sender, args);
sender. Event source.
args. Event information. Available arguments - object of the PP.Mb.Ui.PropertyChangedEventArgs class containing the following properties: PropertyName - property name as an element of the PP.Exp.Ui.ControlType enumeration, Metadata - express report bubble chart settings, TypeUpdateData - updated data type that is set by means of the PP.Exp.Ui.ViewTypeUpdate enumeration.
The PropertyChanged event occurs after changing properties of express report bubble chart.
Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component) and have a loaded bubble chart in the data area. Handle the PropertyChanged event and refresh the express report bubble chart taking into account changed properties:
// Get express report bubble chart wizard var master = expressBox.getPropertyBarView().getBubbleChartMaster(); // Get express report bubble chart view var bubbleChartView = master.getDataView(); // Handle the PropertyChanged event bubbleChartView.PropertyChanged.add(function (sender, args) { // Refresh express report bubbleChartView.refresh(args); }); // Call the PropertyChanged event, new PP.Mb.Ui.PropertyChangedEventArgs({ PropertyName: PP.Exp.Ui.ControlType.ShowMaster, Metadata: { MasterType: PP.Exp.Ui.PropertyGroups.BubbleChart }, TypeUpdateData: PP.Exp.Ui.ViewTypeUpdate.BubbleChart }));
After executing the example on occurring the PropertyChanged event, the express report bubble chart is refreshed in accordance with the changed property PP.Exp.Ui.ControlType.ShowMaster.
See also: