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Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Enumerations > ViewTypeUpdate


Namespace: PP.Exp.Ui;


The ViewTypeUpdate enumeration contains interface elements to be refreshed when an express report property changes.

It is used by the following properties, methods and events:

Available Values

Value Brief description
DataView Express report data view is to be refreshed.
None No elements are refreshed.
Table Only express report table is to be refreshed.
Chart Only express report chart is to be refreshed.
BubbleChart It is required to refresh express report bubble chart.
Map Only express report map is to be refreshed.
PropertyBar Only express report sidebar is to be refreshed.
Ribbon Only express report tool ribbon is to be refreshed.
All All the elements must be refreshed.
DimBar Only express report dimension panel is to be refreshed.
DimBarSelection Only selected items in the express report dimension panel to be refreshed.
DimBarHighlighting Only element highlighting in the express report dimension panel is to be refreshed.
Title Only express report title is to be refreshed.
GridStatistics Summary statistics panel in the express report table needs to be refreshed.

See also:
