Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Enumerations > ViewTypeUpdate
Namespace: PP.Exp.Ui;
The ViewTypeUpdate enumeration contains interface elements to be refreshed when an express report property changes.
It is used by the following properties, methods and events:
Value | Brief description |
DataView | Express report data view is to be refreshed. |
None | No elements are refreshed. |
Table | Only express report table is to be refreshed. |
Chart | Only express report chart is to be refreshed. |
BubbleChart | It is required to refresh express report bubble chart. |
Map | Only express report map is to be refreshed. |
PropertyBar | Only express report sidebar is to be refreshed. |
Ribbon | Only express report tool ribbon is to be refreshed. |
All | All the elements must be refreshed. |
DimBar | Only express report dimension panel is to be refreshed. |
DimBarSelection | Only selected items in the express report dimension panel to be refreshed. |
DimBarHighlighting | Only element highlighting in the express report dimension panel is to be refreshed. |
Title | Only express report title is to be refreshed. |
GridStatistics | Summary statistics panel in the express report table needs to be refreshed. |
See also: