Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Enumerations > TotalsEnum
Namespace: PP.Exp.Ui;
The TotalsEnum enumeration contains types of totals for data of express report table.
It is used by the EaxMdService.setTotals method.
Value | Brief description |
0 | DataSource. Data source. |
1 | OtherTotals. Other totals. |
2 | None. Totals are not shown. |
3 | NoneOfRows. Not by rows. |
4 | NoneOfColumns. Not by columns. |
5 | columnTypes. Types of columns. |
6 | rowTypes. Types of rows. |
7 | Columns. By columns. |
8 | All. All totals. |
9 | Sum. AutoSum. |
10 | Avg. Mean. |
11 | Min. Minimum. |
12 | Max. Maximum. |
13 | CountNotNull. Number of non-empty. |
14 | CountNull. Number of empty. |
15 | Moda. Mode. |
16 | Median. Median. |
17 | Disp. Variance. |
18 | StdDev. Standard deviation. |
19 | Skewness. Skewness. |
20 | Excess. Kurtosis. |
21 | Razmah. Range. |
22 | Var. Variation coefficient. |
23 | SQ. Sum of squares. |
24 | Auto1. First order autocorrelation. |
25 | HiD. Upper decile. |
26 | HiQ. Upper quartile. |
27 | LoQ. Lower quartile. |
28 | LoD. Lower decile. |
29 | treatEmptyAsZero. Empty value as zero. |
30 | includeOwner. Including owner. |
31 | byHierarchy. By hierarchy. |
32 | byLevels. By levels. |
33 | Total. Total. |
34 | SubTotal. Subtotal. |
35 | Common. Grand totals. |
See also: