Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Enumerations > GridCMenu
Namespace: PP.Exp.Ui;
The GridCMenu enumeration contains types of context menu for cells of a row or column header in the express report table.
Value | Brief description |
CornerTitle | Context menu of the corner table cell. |
Cut | Cut element. |
Copy | Copy element. |
Paste | Paste element. |
KeepElems | Keep only one element. |
ExcludeElems | Exclude elements. |
DetailElement | Drill down the element. |
GenElement | Drill up the element. |
FixElement | Fix element. |
FixElementWRep | Fix and replace element. |
CalcBasedOnElement | Add by selected with operation: sum, average, minimum, maximum, mode, median, variance. |
CalcBasedOnElementTotal | Add total. |
CalcBasedOnElementTempTotal | Add subtotal. |
DimViewMode | Set up name layout. |
DimViewAttribute | Set up name by dictionary attributes. |
DimViewCustom | Set custom name. |
Settings | Settings. |
Statistics | Summary statistics. |
Selection | Select element. |
RelationalGroup | Group relational data area. |
RelationalUngroup | Ungroup relational data area. |
See also: