Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Enumerations > RibbonTableNFormatEnum
Namespace: PP.Exp.Ui;
The RibbonTableNFormatEnum enumeration contains formats of data stored in express report table.
It is used by the EaxMdService.setNumberFormat method.
Value | Brief description |
0 | Common. General type. |
1 | Numeric. Numeric type. |
2 | Date. Date. |
3 | Time. Time. |
4 | Percent. Percentage type. |
5 | Exp. Exponential type. |
6 | Text. Text style. |
7 | Money. Currency type. |
8 | Ruble. Ruble currency unit. |
9 | USD. USD currency unit. |
10 | Euro. Euro currency unit. |
11 | Extend. Floating point number. |
# ##0,00 | Absolute. Absolute precision format. |
0,00% | Percentage. Percentage format. |
See also: