Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Enumerations > TitleProperties
Namespace: PP.Exp.Ui;
The TitleProperties enumeration contains properties of express report title.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
None | No properties are available. |
EditMode | Edit mode. |
All | All properties. |
Font | Font. |
FontColor | Font color. |
FontSize | Font size. |
FontFamily | Font family. |
IsBold | Bold text. |
IsItalic | Italic. |
IsUnderline | Underlined text. |
HorizontalAlignment | Horizontal alignment. |
VerticalAlignment | Vertical alignment. |
BackgroundColor | The color of the filling. |
Text | Text. |
TextWrapping | Text wrapping. |
Height | Height. |
TitleType | Title type. |
UnformattedText | Unformatted text. |
Selection | Selected text. |
Visible | Visibility. |
Master | Wizard. |
Blur | Blur. |
See also: