To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.

Setting Up Sorting

Data is sorted by the specified layout field.

To set up sorting parameters in a relational data area, go to the Sorting tab of the Relational Data Area dialog box:

On this tab select checkboxes next to identifiers of the columns, for which data sorting should be set up. For cells linked to the source, the name is specified in brackets after identifier. After that the Descending checkbox becomes available. Select the checkbox if data should be sorted in descending order.

Data sorting by columns is executed in reverse order: the higher is the column identifier, the lower is its sorting priority. To change sorting order in columns, use the and buttons.

See also:

Getting Started with the Reports Tool in the Web Application | Setting Up Relational Data Area Parameters | Data Visualization as Tables | Relational Data Area | Example of Creating a Relational Area