To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.

Building Report

To build a report, follow the steps:

  1. Add a table sheet.

  1. Select a report data source.

  1. Create a data slice.

  1. Visualize data on report sheet.

  1. Use built-in advanced analytics.

  1. Set up report parameters.

  1. Add interactive controls to report contents.

  1. Insert graphics, shapes and text blocks.

  1. Select report formatting style.

  1. Create a report template if required.

  1. Set up report for print.

  1. View ready report.

  1. Save report.

  1. Speed up 3D report work if required.

After the report is built, go to the Working with Ready Reports step.

See also:

Getting Started with the Reports Tool in the Web Application | Getting Started with the Reports Tool in the Desktop Application | Working with Ready Report | Questions and Answers