To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.
In addition to placing different types of data areas on report sheets, the Reports tool supports adding various objects.
The objects can be:
Static. For example, picture.
Interactive. Fro example, speedometer.
To manage interactive objects, the user needs to activate them, that is, to execute a specific operation, for example, double-click on the object, or hover over it with the mouse pointer.
The Reports tool supports placing of the following object types:
Picture. Bitmaps and vector pictures in the following formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, JPG, and so on.
Shapes. Predefined shapes: lines, polygons, figured arrows, callouts, and so on.
Speedometer. An indicator that shows data as a speedometer on numeric panel.
3D scene. It shows data as surfaces, planes, closed surfaces, spheres, and so on in a 3D scene.
Text block. A block of formatted text that is used to define formatting of report comment.
All objects have both standard properties and specific properties that depend on the object type.
See also:
Getting Started with the Reports Tool in the Web Application | Building Report