The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Series Tree

A series tree shows the tree structure of the open data source elements. The structure of the series tree is based on the chain of attributes defined in the breadcrumb. Levels of the hierarchy of the series tree are shown as folders, which names correspond to attribute values. Multiple elements can be selected in the series tree by holding down SHIFT or CTRL.

A breadcrumb is located above the series tree. The breadcrumb can be worked with after selecting a data source. The default attribute order is set on creating time series database.

After attribute order in the breadcrumb changes, the series tree hierarchy is rebuilt. If the breadcrumb does not contain selected attributes, the elements are shown as a list.

Series tree example:

Changing the order and the contents of attributes is performed in the breadcrumb using the Selection group of tabs on the side panel. Each tab corresponds to the data source attribute and contains a search string and a list of attribute values.

To display the group of tabs

Operations with Series Tree

Show or hide series tree

Select data source

Add new data source

Operations with Series Tree Elements

Show or hide tooltip

Filter elements

Search elements

Operations with Breadcrumb

Data source quick selection

Open attribute menu

Show the list of available attributes

Add attribute to breadcrumb

Replace attribute in breadcrumb

Remove attribute from breadcrumb

Clear breadcrumb

Change order of attribute sequence in breadcrumb

Set default sequence of attributes

View attribute values

Sort attribute values

Filter series tree by attribute values

Search for attribute values

Rename elements in the list of attribute values

Set up elements display in the attribute values list

See also:
