Dimension Elements Layout

Dimension elements layout can be set up using the Layout side panel tab and the Layout panel on the Designer ribbon tab. Tab view and settings depend on selected element of the table, dimension, level.

To open the Layout tab

Available settings:

Table Sidehead and Heading Settings

The Layout tab is used to set up heading and sidehead elements layout.

If heading or sidehead are selected, the layout settings applied to table heading and sidehead will be available on the Layout tab:

The operations available on the tab:

Arrange level elements in separate columns

Show or hide duplicate cells

Show or hide expanders

Use stairs hierarchy

Place child elements before parent

Place parent elements before and after children

Level elements margins

Show or hide sorting icons

Use numbering

Settings of Table Dimensions and Levels

The Layout tab is used to set up dimension elements layout.

If a dimension or a level of the table is selected, settings for applying to table dimension/level will be available on the Layout tab:

Layout settings for dimensions are similar to heading and sidehead settings. By default, layout settings are inherited from heading and sidehead to dimension and from dimension to levels.

Leaves only / Display parent elements




Separate level elements

Position of child elements

Parent elements behavior

Manage Hierarchy Displaying

If displaying of expanders is set up for dimensions and their levels, a hierarchy can be quickly collapsed or expanded. To do this:

NOTE. The report is not recalculated on collapsing or expanding the hierarchy.

Changing of hierarchy displaying affects only table appearance and does not affect element selection.

TIP. To change dimension element selection, see the 

See also:

Table Elements Layout