Adhoc Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
IAdhocBinaryData The IAdhocBinaryData interface is used to work with dashboard binary data.
IAdhocBinaryItem The IAdhocBinaryItem interface is used to work with the element of dashboard binary data collection.
IAdhocBulkSelection The IAdhocBulkSelection interface is used to work with the selection of dimensions.
IAdhocBulkSelectionSet The IAdhocBulkSelectionSet interface is used to work with the collection of fixed dimensions.
IAdhocBulkSettings The IAdhocBulkSettings interface is used to determine parameters of batch operations executed for the dashboard.
IAdhocDataSourceObject The IAdhocDataSourceObject interface is used to work with a dashboard data source.
IAdhocDataSourceObjects The IAdhocDataSourceObjects interface is used to work with the collection of dashboard data sources.
IAdhocDimsSynchronization The IAdhocDimsSynchronization interface is used to work with the collection of synchronized dimensions.
IAdhocDimSyncIndex The IAdhocDimSyncIndex interface is used to work with the synchronization index.
IAdhocDimSyncItem The IAdhocDimSyncItem interface is used to work with a synchronized dimension.
IAdhocDsoDimension The IAdhocDsoDimension interface is used to work with the dimension of the dashboard data source.
IAdhocDsoDimensions The IAdhocDsoDimensions interface is used to work with the collection of dimensions for a dashboard data source.
IAdhocPageSettings The IAdhocPageSettings interface contains properties and methods that are used to set up a dashboard page.
IAdhocParamSynchronization The IAdhocParamSynchronization interface is used to work with the collection of links to synchronize parameters of dashboard data sources.
IAdhocParamSyncIndex The IAdhocParamSyncIndex interface is used to work with a link to synchronize parameters of dashboard data sources.
IAdhocParamSyncItem The IAdhocParamSyncItem interface is used to work with the parameter, which is included into the link that is used to synchronize parameters of dashboard data sources.
IAdhocReport The IAdhocReport interface contains properties and methods of the Dashboard tool.
IAdhocReportExporter The AdhocReportExporter interface is used to export dashboards.
IAdhocReportExportSource The IAdhocReportExportSources interface is used to work with the collection of exported dashboard data sources.
IAdhocReportExportSources The IAdhocReportExportSources interface is used to work with the collection of exported dashboard data sources.
IAdhocReportExportSourceTitle The IAdhocReportExportSourceTitle interface is used to work with parameters of block title export.
IAdhocSlide The IAdhocSlide interface is used to work with dashboard slides.
IAdhocSlides The IAdhocSlides interface is used to work with the collection of dashboard slides.
IAdhocSyncDimensions The IAdhocSyncDimensions interface is used to work with the collection of dimensions included in the synchronization index.
IAdhocSynchronization The IAdhocSynchronization interface is used to work with synchronization parameters of dashboard dimensions.
IAdhocSyncParams The IAdhocSyncParams interface is used to work with collection parameters included in the links that are used to synchronize parameters of dashboard data sources.
IAdhocUserMaster The IAdhocUserMaster interface is used to work with a master form for the plugin.
IAdhocUserView The IAdhocUserView interface is used to work with a visualizer form.
IDashboardDocumentViewerBox The IUiDashboardDocumentViewerBox interface contains properties and methods of the DashboardDocumentViewerBox development environment component.
IUiDashboard The IUiDashboard interface contains properties and methods of the UiDashboard development environment component.

See also:

Adhoc Assembly Enumerations | AdHoc Assembly Classes