
Assembly: Adhoc;


The IAdhocDataSourceObjects interface is used to work with the collection of dashboard data sources.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To get the collection, use the IAdhocReport.DataSourceObjects property.


  Property name Brief description
AutoSyncNewSource The AutoSyncNewSource property determines whether to execute auto linking and synchronization of data source dimensions.
AutoUpdateSources The AutoUpdateSources property determines whether to automatically refresh dashboard data sources.
Count The Count property returns the number of elements in the collection.
Item The Item property returns the specified element from the collection.
IsLinked The IsLinked property returns whether a data source is linked.
Report The Report property returns a parent dashboard.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds a repository object to the collection of dashboard data sources.
AddNew The AddNew method creates a new repository object and adds it to the collection of dashboard data sources.
Clear The Clear method clears the collection.
FindById The FindById method searches for a data source by identifier.
Remove The Remove method removes the specified data source from the collection.
RemoveById The RemoveById method removes the specified data source from the collection by its identifier.

See also:

Adhoc Assembly Interfaces