
Assembly: Adhoc;


The IAdhocSlide interface is used to work with dashboard slides.

Inheritance Hierarchy




Contains XML layout of the current page of the dashboard designer.


  Property name Brief description
DataSourceLinkedObjects The DataSourceLinkedObjects property returns the collection of slide's linked data sources.
DataSourceObjects The DataSourceObjects property returns the collection of slide data sources.
Index The Index property returns a slide index.
Miniature The Miniature property determines a slide thumbnail on the slide panel.
Slides The Slides property returns parameters of the slides collection.
ViewModeImages The ViewModeImages property determines an image view mode.
Visible The Visible property determines whether a dashboard slide is displayed.

Properties inherited from INamedEntity

  Property name Brief description
Id The Id property determines object identifier.
Key The Key property returns object key.
Name The Name property determines object name.


  Method name Brief description
Duplicate The Duplicate method duplicates a slide.
LoadLayoutFromXML The LoadLayoutFromXML method loads slide layout from XML file.
SaveLayoutToXML The SaveLayoutToXML method saves slide layout to XML file.

See also:

Adhoc Assembly Interfaces