Adhoc Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
AdhocBinaryType The AdhocBinaryType enumeration is used to determine format for reading and writing of dashboard binary data.
AdhocChatHistoryActionType The AdhocChatHistoryActionType enumeration is used to determine the operation type with a message.
AdhocChatUserShareType The AdhocChatUserShareType enumeration is used to determine the mode of messaging between dashboard users on team work.
AdhocChatUserState The AdhocChatUserState enumeration is used to determine current status of messaging between dashboard users.
AdhocDimensionType The AdhocDimensionType enumeration is used to determine a type of synchronized dimension.
AdhocDimSyncItemDirection The AdhocDimSyncItemDirection enumeration is used to determine a connection type for synchronized dimension.
AdhocDocumentModeType The AdhocDocumentModeType enumeration is used to determine a type of dashboard.
AdhocHorizontalAlignment The AdhocHorizontalAlignment enumeration is used to determine horizontal alignment of an object.

See also:

AdHoc Assembly Interfaces | AdHoc Assembly Classes