
Assembly: Adhoc;


The IAdhocReport interface contains properties and methods of the Dashboard tool.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To work with a dashboard data source, use properties of the IAdhocDataSourceObject interface.


  Property name Brief description
ActiveSlide The ActiveSlide property determines active slide of dashboard.
AllowEditData The AllowEditData property determines whether data can be edited in the Table visualizer.
AutoUpdateSources The AutoUpdateSources property determines whether autoupdate is used in a dashboard.
BinaryData The BinaryData property returns dashboard binary data.
BulkSettings The BulkSettings property returns parameters of batch operations executed with a dashboard.
CalcOnChangedData The CalcOnChangedData property determines whether formula calculation is applied to changed data without saving data to dashboard.
DataSourceLinkedObjects The DataSourceLinkedObjects property returns a set of linked data sources of dashboard.
DataSourceObjects The DataSourceObjects property returns a set of data sources for dashboard visualizers.
DocumentMode The DocumentMode property determines a dashboard type.
Id The Id property determines dashboard identifier.
IsDataChanged The IsDataChanged property determines whether data is changed in the Table visualizer.
IsDirty The IsDirty property determines whether dashboard parameters have been changed.


The InnerStyleSheet property returns the internal styles table.

MetabaseObject The MetabaseObject property returns a dashboard as a repository object implemented by the IMetabaseObject interface.
PageSettings The PageSettings property returns page settings for printing a dashboard.
Resources The Resources property determines the Resource object, which is used to store dashboard translations.
Slides The Slides property returns a collection of slides.
StyleSheet The StyleSheet property determines an external styles table.
SupportMultyLanguage The SupportMultyLanguage property determines whether a dashboard is multilingual.
Synchronization The Synchronization property returns parameters of synchronization of dashboard dimensions.
UndoRedo The UndoRedo property determines parameters of undo/redo stack.
UpdateSettings The UpdateSettings property returns settings of dashboard autoupdate options.


  Method name Brief description


The AddDataSourceLinkedObject method adds a block of the Express Report, Regular Report or Dashboard type.

AddDataSourceObject The AddDataSourceObject method adds a data source for visualizers.
AddNewDataSourceObject The AddNewDataSourceObject method creates and adds a data source.
CopyDataSourceObject The CopyDataSourceObject method creates a copy of the specified data source.
CopyDataSourceObjectEx The CopyDataSourceObjectEx method copies the specified data source creating an identifier specified by the user for the copy.
CopyFrom The CopyFrom method copies parameters of the specified dashboard to the current dashboard.
LoadFromFile The LoadFromFile method loads a dashboard from the specified file of the PPDASH format.
LoadFromStream The LoadFromStream method loads a dashboard from stream.
LoadFromXML The LoadFromXML method loads dashboard settings from the specified XML file.
Refresh The Refresh method refreshes the specified dashboard data source.
RefreshDataSources The RefreshDataSources method refreshes metadata of the specified dashboard data source.
SaveData The SaveData method saves data edited in the Table visualizer.
SaveToCombinedXML The SaveToCombinedXML method saves settings of dashboard with slides to the specified XML file.
SaveToFile The SaveToFile method saves a dashboard in the specified file of the PPDASH format.
SaveToStream The SaveToStream method saves a dashboard to a stream.
SaveToXML The SaveToXML method saves dashboard settings to the specified XML file.

See also:

Adhoc Assembly Interfaces