In this article:

Connecting Several Repositories

Disconnection of Repository

Exiting Object Navigator

Navigator Interface Description

Object navigator is a tool that used to visually present a repository and to work with its objects.

To open the object navigator, start Foresight Analytics Platform web application or desktop application.

NOTE. When starting the desktop application select the object navigator in the welcome screen displayed by default. If the welcome screen is disabled, the object navigator opens right after the desktop application is started.

The object navigator opens after executing the operation:

When the object navigator opens, the system checks if a default database is set. If a database is not set, it is prompted to create a new database or select the current one as a default database.

Object navigator interface elements in the web application

Object navigator interface elements in the desktop application

Key features:

For details about object navigator principles of work, see the Working in Object Navigator section.

Connecting Several Repositories

To connect multiple repositories:

      • Press F3.

    1. Log in to the system.

    2. Repeat two first operations to connect multiple repositories.

To go to the required repository, use corresponding tabs in the object tree.

After executing the operations, multiple repositories are connected.

Disconnection of Repository

To disconnect repository:

After executing one of the operations the confirmation to disconnect the repository is requested. If the answer is yes, the repository is disconnected.

NOTE. It is available only in the desktop application.

Exiting Object Navigator

To exit the object navigator:

NOTE. When closing a browser tab with the object navigator take into account that finishing a user session depends on BI server timeout settings.

See also:

Getting Started with Web Application and Desktop Application