Examples of Use of Indicator Names Display Setup

To set up displaying of indicator names, use the table area, which heading includes the following dimensions:


Source table's heading includes the Price of Sold Products and Cost of Sold Products indicators:

There are the following options of setting up displaying of indicator names:

If only the Price of Sold Products indicator is hidden, the table appearance also remains unchanged. It is related with the fact that after the indicator name is hidden, the row displays an empty cell, and such name is not hidden.

Indicators and Shared Dimension

Source table's heading contains the following dimensions:

There are the following options of setting up displaying of indicator names:

The table appearance also remains unchanged if name of only one indicator or names of two indicators are hidden. It is related with the fact that after indicator name is hidden, the row contains an empty cell, and such name is not hidden.

Indicators and Common Dimension, at Least One Indicator has a Private Dimension

Source table's heading contains the following dimensions:

There are the following options of setting up displaying of indicator names:

The table also remains unchanged if name of only the Cost of Sold Products indicator is hidden, and if names of the indicators without private dimensions are hidden. It is related with the fact that after indicator name or names are hidden, one should show the row, which contains private dimension elements, but the indicator or indicators do not have private dimensions.

After indicator names are hidden, only name of the Volume of Sold Products indicator with a private dimension is hidden, the rest of the indicators are not hidden because the Volume of Sold Products indicator has a private dimension.

Indicators with Private Dimensions and Shared Dimension

Source table's heading contains the following dimensions:

If all indicators contain private dimensions, there are the following options of setting up displaying of indicator names:

Indicator and Filter

A filter is displayed in the tale area heading if all its private dimensions have more than one element selected. If several dimension elements are selected, behavior will depend on the selected filtering type.

Consider options of setting up displaying of indicator names with filter in table heading:

  1. A source table contains the following dimensions:

To hide indicator name in the Show Indicator Names box, in the drop-down list deselect the checkbox with the name of the Volume of Sold Products indicator. The table appearance remains unchanged. It is related with the fact that filters added using the previous filtering mechanism are considered as indicators with private dimensions, while the hidden indicator name does not have private dimensions, and such names are not hidden.

  1. A source table contains the following dimensions:

To hide indicator name in the Show Indicator Names box, in the drop-down list deselect the checkbox with the name of the Volume of Sold Products indicator, and the table will look as follows:

See also:

Setting Up Table Area | Setting Up Indicators Structure | Advanced Settings of Heading Display