Saving Data Entry Form

After the form structure, opened in the edit mode, is changed, save changes.

To save changes in the form, select the Data Entry/Output Form > Save main menu item or approve changes saving in the popup message on closing the form.

NOTE. If a data entry form contains a table area for which changed data save lock with applied control was set and unsaved changed data, a warning indicating that changed data will not be saved because they do not respect control settings. If the operation is agreed, the changed data will be reset and the operation will be applied. On canceling operation the changed data remains in table area.

Go to the next step if required:

Creating a Data Entry Form Copy

If required, create a data entry form copy.

To create a form copy:

  1. Select the Data Entry/Output Form > Save As main menu item.

NOTE. If a data entry form contains a table area for which changed data save lock with applied control was set and unsaved changed data, a warning indicating that changed data will not be saved because they do not respect control settings. If the operation is agreed, the changed data will be reset and the operation will be applied. On canceling operation the changed data remains in table area.

  1. In the dialog box that opens enter path, name and unique identifier of the report to save. The identifier may consist of only Latin letters, numbers and underline character and should not start with a number.

Go to the next step if required:

See also:

Getting Started with the Interactive Data Entry Forms in the Web Application | Building Data Entry Form | Working with Ready Data Entry Form