Inserting and Setting Up Control Blocks

A control block is used to check entered data in the Interactive Data Entry Forms extension. The feature is available if calculation algorithm was selected with a control block on building a data entry form.

Create a new control block

Edit ready control block

Creating and editing are executed in the control block editing wizard, in which block parameters can be set up:

A control block can be set up similarly to calculation block setup and include the following steps:

  1. Set up basic properties.

  2. Add parameters.

  3. Select and set up data consumer.

  4. Select and set up data sources.

  5. Set up data filtering.

  6. Set up data formatting that did not pass control. The step is preset only in the control block.

  7. Set up calculation formulas. All specified formulas must be aimed at checking values and return logical type result. For example, the formula that checks if value is set for indicator or the specified value is in the interval from 0 to 100.

See also:

Building Calculation Algorithm